The company wants to change that to a single night shift and halve the workforce there.
Maybe the guy on the night shift hit the bottle a little too hard.
To blame is not merely night shift work but shifting shifts--rotations from morning to afternoon to graveyard.
There were rules against noise, against music, because the people on the night shift slept all day.
Right now he works the night shift at a supermarket, bagging groceries, and doing small maintenance jobs.
In June 2001 a pump at a mine near Madison, W.Va. sprang a leak during the night shift.
Louis overnight, visiting with the night shift at a factory and a couple of diners and police stations.
The line was long with residents in scrubs coming off the night shift, looking as bleary as I did.
The job allows him to take care of his infant daughter while his wife does a 12-hour night shift.
He cleans casino bathrooms for thirteen dollars an hour on the night shift.
Some night shift workers, who have to walk to and from work in the dark, say they feel frightened.
For these reasons, all day and night shift inspectors carried out a work stoppage today that paralyzed the production lines.
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It is understood the mix-up happened at Chivas Brothers during the night shift on Tuesday while equipment was being cleaned.
Light and quality of sleep are well-known to be linked, as anyone who has ever pulled a night shift will attest.
This month we honor the hotline workers who work the night shift to be there around the clock for victims in need.
Usually I do the all-night shift (one of our three kids is always up) and he does the super early wake-up-in-the-morning-with-the-baby shift.
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Frederick, the ranking enlisted man on the night shift in the cell block, is scheduled to enter his guilty plea on October 20.
But her light bulb moment didn't come until she was driving home from work, tired after an all-night shift in the emergency room.
From 30% to 50% of all night shift workers fall asleep at work every week, even in high-stakes operations like nuclear power plants.
Then, in March I was sent down the road to Lime Grove to work on the night shift writing news bulletins for Breakfast Time.
Lo had been driving sewage collection trucks for the Urban Council for some 20 years when he was assigned in 1998 to the night shift.
Many of the miners took an unofficial day's holiday for the royal visit, which meant only 117 reported for work on the Monday night shift.
Shifts should rotate clockwise, from day to evening to night shift.
Davis, who works a night shift, said Dykes worked on his bunker in the middle of the night -- every other night, between 2 and 3 a.m.
Night shift workers are far more prone to having sleep disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, metabolic problems, cancer, diabetes, depression and a number of other health problems.
The Archant Print Centre will keep a full night shift operation six nights a week to print Norfolk and Suffolk daily and weekly titles, along with a single press day shift.
Technically, these drugs are made to help people who suffer from the sleepiness that comes from night shift work, or as a result of maladies such as narcolepsy or sleep apnea.
When he got a job at Atari, given his odor, he was swiftly moved into the night shift, where he would be less disruptive to the nostrils of his fellow colleagues.
Dr Roger Duckitt, a specialist registrar in acute medicine in Worthing, Sussex was knocked off his motorbike on the way home from a night shift by a car pulling out from parked traffic.
The evening shift may leave a muddle behind for the night shift to sort out, and the night shift may get its own back by bequeathing a worse mess for the day shift.