Police reports said she was found wearing a long nightgown, socks and a jacket.
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The cold was like a remorseless living presence descending on her and gripping her under her nightgown.
Various relatives have been at the helm, including Tyler's mother, who even opened up for tours while still in her nightgown.
It sometimes happened that she had to greet the public from the balcony with her nightgown tucked up under her coat.
Down the long hallway of the home I could see the newly widowed Coretta, clad in a rose pink nightgown and robe.
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So Weintraub created a prototype of a nightgown made from moisture-wicking material.
The gadget, which is worn on the patient's nightgown, slowly releases the anaesthetic directly to the area where the surgery has been carried out.
Dressed in a flannel nightgown, socks and a down jacket, her body was found floating about a mile from the yacht, according to police reports.
Her most popular video -- in which she talks about depression while wearing a plaid nightgown -- has been viewed by more than 140, 000 people.
"I was in my nightgown at noon, and I wasn't getting at the job search very fast, and I thought, 'this is instructive, ' " she said, laughing.
But oh, the things she's seen on my end: the excuse-making, the nightgown under the trench coat to drive the car pool, the panic every time I see a gray hair--and that's just the small stuff.
"My sister was not a swimmer and did not know how to swim, and she would never go to another boat or to shore dressed in a nightgown and socks, " said Lana Wood, referring to theories that the actress may have voluntarily jumped from the boat, last year.
Sophie's name, the sound of it in Raisele's mouth, her name said by someone who had seen her, seen her laughing and chasing the chickens, seen her in her flannel nightgown and thick socks, braids one up, one down, seen her running in the yard, ducking Lev Pin-sky's dry red paw.
How can this be worse than sleeping on top of her parents' graves, saying Kaddish so many times the words ran together like nonsense, worse than sitting for days by the Pripiat River, watching for a little sock or Sophie's blue petticoat, sitting in the mud in only a nightgown and blanket, until the weather changed and Mariam came with the flier for America?