The ONLY company with extensive bandwidth and the only true 4 G offering operating at this moment is Clearwire (CLWR), a nascent company founded by Craig McCaw a few years ago.
"It is true that we cannot depend on government alone to create jobs or long-term growth, but at this particular moment, only government can provide the short-term boost necessary to lift us from a recession this deep and severe, " he said.
The fall of the Libyan despot will only strengthen the perception that leaders are helpless at this moment.
At the moment, it can only do this for repeated serious violations.
Mr. GAFFNEY: ...profitable and so on, but they're only, I'm afraid, doing this at the moment because they can both do business with America and do business with its enemies.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Transcript of CNBC Divest Terror debate
For the first few seconds he can only stare at the impossibility blooming before him, and it is at this moment that he recalls one of his earliest lessons, a lesson learned in the prehistory of his youth, when he was still called David Henry, when he still bore his given names so ordered to honor the paternal uncle he would never meet.
It is an impression of the moment of death, and only at the last is it apparent that this circular movie may have been one long flashback.
We know only too well that we need to add to the first-team squad but at this moment in time there is a limited amount we can do until the takeover is completed.
Attacking Gingrich is a standard Democratic ploy, but in the Lewinsky affair it had been hard to do as long as Gingrich stayed behind the curtain, venturing forth only to make high-minded statements about the need for civility at a moment of this historic magnitude.
Besides, Newman has only sold a little more than 100 ReviewerCards -- likely to the same 100 people who, at this very moment, are constructing another strongly-worded online review from their mom's basement.
One important question is if 75% of the cases are being resolved at that moment without special education but only 19-20% of the cases were effectively solved, does this model work?