"The peace process in Northern Ireland was one of Labour's proudest achievements in government, " he said.
He is there to hopefully give a little push to the stalled Mideast peace process.
And in the Middle East, we support efforts to fill the peace process with new life.
About 5, 000 United Nations peacekeepers are in the country to support the South African-brokered peace process.
We are not going to play Westminster party politics with the Northern Ireland peace process.
"It is time for a huge effort on the Middle East peace process, " he said.
As the peace process took hold in the Middle East, conflict broke out in Bosnia.
Efforts to rescue the peace process immediately focused on finding ways to release more information.
"This vicious circle must be broken or it will destroy the peace process, " he said.
They now want to relaunch a peace process that has been stalled for four years.
And we encourage the sides to move forward with the peace process and the negotiations.
For the first time the opposition party has indicated support for the peace process.
The Good Friday Agreement was seen as a major step forward in the peace process.
The ELN's announcement, however, is seen as an unexpected boost for Colombia's stalled peace process.
The foreign minister said he had told Ms Rice that the peace process was "progressing satisfactorily".
The cricket is supposed to enhance mutual goodwill, and so help the overall peace process.
However in recent months he has been the principal negotiator in the peace process.
CNN: PKK calls for guns to be silent, how will Turkey respond?
For all its problems, the likelihood is that the peace process will stumble on.
We've worked too hard for a peace process to ensure that all this conflict stops.
We also share the same willingness to revive the peace process in the Middle East.
Also, the peace process will involve a constitutional assembly, for which elections are due in June.
ECONOMIST: Ethnic violence threatens Nepal's new-found peace
The Basque president, Juan Jose Ibarretxe, believes this would be detrimental to any future peace process.
How is it that the province's worst men are reaping the benefits of the peace process?
"I want to reiterate that we are strategically committed to the peace process, " Arafat said.
"The peace process has lost a courageous leader on both sides of the camp, " he said.
The peace process, if it is to continue, must now pass through two phases.
"Sinn Fein is totally committed to the Good Friday Agreement and the peace process, " he said.
But the group later withdrew from the peace process and was subsequently relegated to the fringes.
The latest peace process appears to be in deep trouble even before it has begun.
And that might have the happy side-effect of edging forward Northern Ireland's stalled peace process.