Also included are odd, piquant works from the Smithsonian Institution, by Eyre de Lanux.
Savory sorbets have a refreshing, cool texture and a piquant zing that make your taste buds dance.
But the lessons for companies and their shareholders will be equally piquant if and when the Dow hits 13, 000 or higher.
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Tapioca balls come with a piquant sauce and pork crackling comes sous-vide.
You can also find the more piquant wild-harvested variety at farmers' markets.
Not despite but because of his sophistication, he found her manner piquant.
The second room is majestic: three boxing scenes, three ravishingly piquant portraits of working-class youths, and a startling nude of an ill-at-ease woman.
Ammogghiu, another caper-laden classic, is a piquant tomato-based sauce best served with a thick steak and lots of garlic bread to sop up the juices.
Bridges' guileless performance makes this piquant little indie tale of country music, redemption, and the love of a pretty younger woman such a sad-song charmer.
The wine's bouquet of jammy fruits, light florals and just a hint of chile pepper match the piquant chiles, garlic and luscious steak in this hearty, family-friendly dish.
Not to forget the solo violinist with a shock of wavy hair who sprang out of nowhere every so often to add yet another piquant element when least expected.
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The dish's briny-sweet-rich flavor also recalls a classic Venetian sardine preparation, sarde in saor, whereby fried sardines are preserved in a piquant mixture of vinegar, onions, herbs, currants and pine nuts.
WSJ: Sardines With Tapenade and Lime-Coriander Yogurt | Slow Food Fast
When the moment of truth arrived, it was delectable, a perfectly al dente, subtly flavored pasta (with mussels and squid, it turned out) dressed, not drowned, in a piquant, bottarga-laced tomato sauce.
He was making pizza with homemade dough for the young children of his second family, and his topping was a loose, watery, fresh tomato sauce, laced with anchovies and black olives, so piquant and delicious you could eat it by the spoonful and forgo the crust altogether.
So it's no surprise to learn that the men may be posthumous portraits, made as symbols as much as truthful likenesses, or that the women, with their elaborate hairstyles, opulent jewelry and piquant profiles, are better interpreted as idealized embodiments of modesty and chastity than as accurate records of particular people.
WSJ: The Renaissance Portrait | From Out of a Featureless Crowd | By Karen Wilkin