• If these kids that are living there can be so full of life and love and hope, then anybody can.

    NPR: 'Peace, Happiness' and G. Love

  • Woo is supposed to be a little hurricane, so full of life and sass that "average" people can't cope with her.

    CNN: 'Woo' no boost for Jada Pinkett Smith

  • "It is hard but Ronan was so full of life, I was happy he could save somebody else, " my mum said.

    BBC: Organ donor series

  • She was so full of life, so funny, so interested in people, so kind and so good to all of us writers, who came after her.

    BBC: Author Maeve Binchy dies aged 72

  • So full of life, he was a man both confident in himself and curious about others, alive to the world around him with a character that is captured in the words of a Mathew Arnold poem that he admired.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remembering Richard Holbrooke

  • She was so full of life.


  • "She is so full of life and spirit and she loves playing jokes on people and she likes to keep you on your toes, but musically I have never met anyone who can walk out on stage and consistently sing as in tune and proper and right as Dolly Parton does, " her sometime duet partner Kenny Rogers told CNN.

    CNN: Dolly Parton: 'I know I'm a bit over-exaggerated'

  • Judee Sill has written songs that are so perfect and so full of emotional life that, once heard, it's hard to imagine having lived without them.

    NPR: Judee Sill's Posthumous 'Dreams'

  • At the same time, both those shocks are mild compared to the one experienced by Westerners who move to Russia and find themselves in a place where life is so full of lethal danger that some people see little point in reducing risk at the margins: a world of gaping pot-holes, tipsy ambulance-drivers and melting icicles which hang from ledges like daggers.

    ECONOMIST: America, Europe and the management of danger: A hazardous comparison | The

  • However, the couple decided to put that part of their life on hold so that she could give full attention to her career.

    WSJ: Earning an E.M.B.A. for Future Growth

  • So steeped are they in the work of real-life policymaking that many get offered full-time jobs in California's state government when they finish the 10-month program, which runs from October to September.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • So now when Facebook makes me long for someone else's fairy tale, I just remember that life is full of give and take, luck and circumstance, decisions carefully weighed, successes and struggles.

    CNN: Facebook inspires status envy

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