Department for Social Development Minister told to bring forward proposals on 10 shared housing neighbourhoods.
The knock against tiger parenting style is that it does not foster emotional and social development.
The Social Development committee expressed strong concerns over restricting discounts on these bulk purchases.
Mickey Brady, deputy chair of the social development committee, said it was "not a satisfactory situation".
The acquisition of skills for work, and for citizenship, is crucial for economic and social development.
The Department of Social Development had decided to put it up for auction in 2003.
The social development minister said the report provided evidence more money was needed for housing.
You guys have lots of positive language about responsibility, social development, enduring partnerships, ending the war.
Social Development Minister Alex Attwood said "responsible drinkers" would not be penalised by the new proposals.
Our rule-following nature is contingent on our social development (though no less contingent than our goal-seeking nature).
There will be those who emphasise economic and social development and those who focus on political reform.
The book covers details of the bid such as stadiums, transport, security, marketing and football and social development.
She also called on Social Development Minister Nelson McCausland to conduct a landmark review of segregation in housing.
Or will both sides work together to ensure that mining is compatible with the environment and social development?
ECONOMIST: Big mining and its increasingly radical opponents
Officials from the Department for Social Development also briefed members on the implementation of universal credit in Northern Ireland.
The new 19-member cabinet includes one woman, Social Development Minister Reem Abu Hassan.
Social development minister, Nelson McCausland, said he will carefully consider the committee's recommendations.
The second Forum, organized in 2008 in New Delhi (India) concentrated on transparency, right to information and social development.
People are therefore attracted to urban living as cities hold incredible potential as engines of growth and social development.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Losing sight of the countryside
The land outside Ballymena was being sold by the Department of Social Development.
It calls for drug policies based on methods empirically proven to reduce crime and promote economic and social development.
The Social Development Minister Nelson McCausland has decided to ban promotions offering unlimited amounts of alcohol for a fixed price.
Announcing the funding, Danuta Hubner, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, said economic and social development in Northern Ireland was important.
In response, Social Development Minister Nelson McCausland said he would have no option but to resist Sinn Fein's planned changes.
Brooks and Albert Fritz, Western Cape provincial minister of social development, said the accused man had been a family friend.
Above all, the Commonwealth defines its purpose largely in civil-society terms: the promotion of democracy, human rights and sustainable economic and social development.
Social Development Minister Alex Attwood was asked when building was due to start on the Royal Exchange development in Belfast.
The issue of the relevance of these different indicators used to measure and identify economic and social development is therefore raised.
They seek to reconcile conservation of biological and cultural diversity, and economic and social development through partnerships between people and nature.