"We're moving on solid ground to find a chance for the so-called G-point, " Silva said.
Those two groups are expected to thrive whether or not the global economy gains solid ground.
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By the time the show is over, you walk out thankful for a breeze and solid ground.
Let's move on, Berkowitz said, sensing he might not be on solid ground.
On these shifting sands, the only solid ground Ms Kay offers is almost too simple for criticism: namely love.
Already in the 1970s, Barbara knew that 'business-as-usual' no longer represented 'solid ground'.
Do you want to help working families get back on solid ground and grow this economy for all of us?
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To put us on solid ground, we should also find a bipartisan solution to strengthen Social Security for future generations.
Unlike Wile E Coyote, a divided Congress could step over the cliff, look down, and step back onto solid ground again.
Even if he's not rebuilding his physical house anywhere near the water, Rayburn's financial house is newly constructed on solid ground.
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As she talked about her hopes for Alaska, she often seemed to skip from slogan to slogan without ever touching solid ground.
Keen is on solid ground when outlining the many downsides of over-sharing, beginning with the privacy and reputational consequences for each of us.
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Innovation is a key component to emerging from this (or any) recession stronger, on more solid ground and better prepared to confront future challenges.
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Moosa would have been on more solid ground had he noted that there are not varying "interpretations" of shariah, only varying degrees of application.
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The entire island is preparing to evacuate to more solid ground.
Employee confidence might be finding some solid ground since the Career Chaos Economy of 2008 when jobs were slashed, burned and sent out to sea.
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The stock gained solid ground during the rebound of 2009 but due to funding constraints diluted the shares thus capping the rapid rise of the stock.
The film is on solid ground when it focuses on small-scale character work and emotional arcs, but the big-scale action is frankly somewhat boring and mostly uninspired.
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But even if he wins a six-year term as president, Maduro would not be on solid ground, given the country's profound economic and security problems, Shifter said.
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What was once a series I could only heap praise on has become lost in the wilds, with apparently no editor to guide it back to solid ground.
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Like a cartoon character who notices that he's no longer standing on solid ground and suddenly begins to fall, I reached over to save, but was too late.
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Honest companies also suffer from this lack of transparency, as investors have no way to independently verify their claims that their relationship with the agency is on solid ground.
Mr Diallo has been sent to fill the vacuum left by the death of the previous mediator, Alioune Blondin Beye, and to steer the peace process back on to solid ground.
The station, established in 1955, is built on volcanic rock on Ross Island, the solid ground farthest south that is accessible by ship, according to the NSF, an independent U.S. government agency.
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While Clinton stood on solid ground in New York City, she repeatedly visited the suburbs, campaigning intensively on issues that appeal to voters there such as education, health care and the environment.
And long after my fellow editors were convinced that Apple was about to regain its leadership of the computer world, I was still arguing that the company was not yet on solid ground.
While those times and the troubles of later generations were far graver than anything we could fathom today, many of our people are still fighting to get back on solid ground after several challenging years.
The tide turned around noon, as equities began an impressive comeback, with automakers like General Motors and Ford gaining solid ground, while homebuilders like KB Home, Toll Brothers, and Lennar added to their gains.
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