My brother Teddy Man and I often performed at parties pretending to dance like Michael.
Outraged by the injustice, he joins his older brother Teddy (Padriac Delaney) in the guerilla war.
The mothers of the girls sat next to each other in court cradling old teddy bears.
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That, by the way, is my second gift from Teddy and Vicki after our dog Bo.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's Eulogy for Sen. Edward Kennedy
The new efforts go far beyond coloring books at check-in and teddy bears at turndown.
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The calamity that sets the pattern for the future occurs while Teddy is at war.
Kennedy II, fondly recounted how "Uncle Teddy" looked after the children of his slain siblings.
The Western connection to the White House dates from the days of Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt.
But when it comes to negotiating tactics, Kwatinetz is anything but a teddy bear.
Obama evokes JFK. McCain evokes Teddy Roosevelt or Dwight Eisenhower or perhaps even George H.
Like Teddy Roosevelt (one of his heroes), Cap believes in leading the active life.
One of Sanford's GOP rivals, Teddy Turner is the son of CNN founder Ted Turner.
Teddy Roosevelt broke up over-mighty companies, rather than doling out tax breaks to them.
Taft (42.3 on the BMI), Cleveland (34.6), McKinley (31.1), Taylor (30.2), and Teddy Roosevelt (30.2).
Teddy Roosevelt, a Progressive Republican, led the trust-busting crusade at the turn of the century.
William Jennings Bryan and Teddy Roosevelt are two of the more famous American populists.
When President Teddy Roosevelt brought the two parties together for peace talks in Portsmouth, N.
"I respect Caroline and Teddy's decision, but I have made a different choice, " Kennedy Townsend said.
Teddy Roosevelt won it in his second term for helping end the Russo-Japanese War.
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They are lit by eternal flames, swathed in teddy bears or drizzled with flowers.
Unlike his younger, media-obsessed brother, Teddy is almost totally unknown to the wider public.
"While teddy doesn't communicate, the phone does, " said Carr-Gregg, adding insomnia to the list of potential problems.
And it is always better to be, or to be led by, Teddy Roosevelt, not George McClellan.
Of all the 30 or so teddy factories that once existed in Britain, only one still remains.
Ask Teddy Roosevelt, the Republican president who placed 230 million acres of land under federal protection.
Conservation of green spaces was pioneered by Republican Teddy Roosevelt with the establishment of the National Parks.
When we think of them being memorialized it's in the context of teddy bears, candles and flowers.
His friends say he is a latter-day Teddy Roosevelt, a man on whom he consciously models himself.
Hubbard was also pals with trustbuster Teddy Roosevelt (both were born in 1856), a fan of Hubbard's writing.
By analogy, we would be out of the market for every correction and non-correction, every panda and teddy.