He'd prefer to see them try to "crack the code for the big family comedy, " a la Family Ties and The Cosby Show, since its broad-based appeal and subsequent financial upside is that much greater.
Best to commute in something smaller and save the big car for family trips.
The foray by Big Money into the single-family landlord business is becoming more sophisticated.
The Quinn family argues that the "big case" regarding the legality of Anglo loans needs to be determined first before any action is taken to recover disputed assets.
It is also hammering out the future governance of Bank of Ayudhya with its other big shareholder, the Ratanarak family, led by billionaire Krit Ratanarak.
We acknowledge the big things, like family and good fortune, and a chance to be together.
Lippa, who wrote the music and lyrics for Broadway's "The Addams Family" and the upcoming "Big Fish, " will play Milk in front of the 300-strong chorus and the 30-piece orchestra.
The crowd paid their respects as Walker's parents and team-mates gathered on the field before the match while a television interview with his family was shown on the big screen.
The Bennellick family said Rosie and her boyfriend had been together for almost three years and he was a "big part" of the family.
"It was a big change for the family and happened very quickly, " said Dean Sullivan.
The family owns a big stake as well in Suntec City, Singapore's new convention, exhibition and commercial center.
By all accounts Amgen was Rathmann's extended family, and the family was getting big--too big and mature for a single patriarch.
The other problems have much to do with the fraught relationship between Mr Rothschild and the Bakrie family, also big shareholders of Bumi PLC.
The feds charged three persons with pretending to be members or associates of the Guggenheim family and soliciting big money for bogus big-money investments.
Hooking up the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch wirelessly via Apple TV or to a high-definition TV by using an HDMI adapter means vjay for iPhone mixes can easily be beamed onto the big screen for friends and family to marvel at.
ENGADGET: Algoriddim's vjay gets remixed for iPhone, mobile movies meet the mash-up (video)
Asian governments have long taken the view that the superiority of their family life was one of their big advantages over the West.
Both candidates have promised to boost social welfare spending, amid rising income inequality and concern over the dominance of big business in the form of South Korea's family-run giant conglomerates, known as chaebol.
Maria Zembyla, from Nicosia, said the levy would make a "big dent" in her family's savings and "erode the investor confidence".
BBC: Cyprus president defends bailout deal amid public anger
Pets, especially dogs, have never been as big a part of the American family as they are right now.
The Andreas family (who are big political contributors to both parties) have long argued for an end to the embargo.
The family lived in a big city, had no animals, ate supermarket food and had jobs that offered no contact with the virus.
The family lived in a big house in the Hessian village of Hanau, near Kassel, and the boys received a sound primary education at home.
However, the most sensitive challenge she faces is the call for reform in the way South Korea's big family owned businesses, also know as chaebols, are run.
Gazprom wasn't the Shuvalov family's only big energy holding.
Then they moved to a courtyard, or to a room across the courtyard from where your family lived, and, eventually, like the big Roman-orgy kitchens, to the cellar.
She said the win had come as "a big shock" to her and her family and asked the media to give them "space and privacy to absorb the implications".
During the division's deployment in 2003, the coffee shop received a big screen television, donated so that family members could watch news of the war.
Refreshingly self-critical, the assembled masses were told of the mistakes the big N made with marketing the GameCube, and the difficulty the traditionally family-orientated company was having in appealing to modern, gore-obsessed players.