Consumers purchased 3.47 million Mac computers, 9.41 million iPods and 3.27 million iPads throughout the quarter.
MLK, Gandhi, Mandela and all great opposition leaders throughout history have always preached this precept.
Throughout her career, Phillips has garnered exclusive interviews with some of the world's most public figures.
Approximately three dozen animated characters, like Dumbo, pass by the portholes throughout the day.
Private and group lessons are available in dance halls and advertised throughout the city.
More than 500 structures still stand throughout the city, and the guide details their different functions.
It attracts tourists throughout the year, but really ramps up during cherry blossom season.
The five courses are cleverly intertwined with five live pantomimes performed throughout the evening.
There are period features, wooden floorboards and original artworks throughout the house, with some for sale.
The optimism and hardship that dominated the goldfields during that time reverberates throughout present-day Victoria.
These steamed dumplings made of buffalo, chicken or mixed vegetables are popular and universal throughout Kathmandu.
Throughout Guatemala, the US government recommends travelling in groups and with reputable tour operators.
Victims were found throughout Yorkshire and across other counties including Essex, Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Nottinghamshire.
Throughout the years, Miami's reputation as a city of decadence has played a number of starring roles.
Eating together is the foundation of the cultural identity and continuity of communities throughout the Mediterranean basin.
There's spell check throughout the system now -- look for the red underline to see it working.
Their ancestors are still found throughout Namibia, especially in the remote desert realm of the southern Namib.
The genre continued to transform throughout the following decades with the introduction (and later decline) of orchestras.
Street art fans throughout the world have responded with petitions and pleas to have the site landmarked.
Throughout the next few hours, Saavedra taught us about the chinampas, their construction and their natural surroundings.
Guest suites are some of the city's largest, with hardwood floors, cushioned headboards and striking artwork throughout.
His latest record, The Open Road, abounds with the driving, blues-inflected garage-rock he's been honing throughout his career.
Literally bursting at the seams, this bag contains every single free item we've collected throughout the entire show.
Rentals are available throughout the village, so you can hurtle down the trails at your chosen calf-hardening pace.
The 95 Australian dollar ticket price includes Christmas eggnog, a festive three-course meal and Champagne throughout the evening.
This tribe, with its colourful garb, stilted homes and elaborately designed wooden bridges, are scattered throughout Guangxi Province.
His impact on the world of jazz can be felt throughout New Orleans and around the world today.
About 70, 000 Iraqi soldiers and police have set up checkpoints throughout the city this morning.
It's just one of the roller coaster rides I've been on throughout my life.
Cheerleaders will perform a halftime routine and drinks promotions are running throughout the night.
WSJ: Where to Watch the Giants and Patriots in Super Bowl XLVI in Europe