In June, a programming error temporarily allowed any password to be used to access any account.
Now reputation is beginning to be used to improve the effectiveness of Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS).
Pupils' progress and behaviour are to be used to assess teachers' suitability for performance pay.
Revenue from the new California car rental tax is supposed to be used to promote tourism.
This data was going to be used to determine if adding a seventh BCS conference was necessary.
These prohibitions reflect the congressional concerns that taxpayer funds are not to be used to support political activity.
The father, who has remained anonymous, wants DNA from his son to be used to create a clone.
The U.N. wants the money to be used to provide food to all North Korean children under six.
Moreover, the process is gentle enough to be used to examine the surfaces of cells without damaging them.
Or say you have an API that allows your information and internal capabilities to be used to create apps.
FORBES: How External Big Data Opens a Disruptive Frontier for Business Intelligence
And students are pressing the government for money to be used to bring back some form of student grant.
It was not money to be used to help operate the housing authority.
The revenue raised is to be used to cut surging non-wage labour costs.
The cash is to be used to help explore, conserve and share WWI heritage, and deepen understanding of the conflict.
The advent of tractors, for example, freed millions of acres that previously had to be used to support draft animals.
Ms Tabram is urging Tony Blair to back her campaign for the drug to be used to treat chronic conditions.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Tyne | Cannabis grandmother's No10 trip
Profits this year planned to be used to expand the next year can be significantly reduced by current period taxes.
The ruling from that case laid out five factors to be used to evaluate whether a school district had desegregated.
He transferred appreciated assets to her, and she bequeathed them to a trust to be used to support the relatives.
FORBES: Deathbed Tax Dodges: Take These Steps Now To Save Later
His charitable organisation is accused of embezzling millions in public money that was supposed to be used to stage sporting events.
The higher investment volume is to be used to roll out the broadband infrastructure in Germany and the United States in particular.
ENGADGET: T-Mobile and Apple sign agreement to launch products in 2013
Arizona voters in Mesa and Queen Creek recently rejected a local sales tax increase that was to be used to build a stadium.
Swap lines used to be used to provide dollars for foreign central banks to use to support their currencies in foreign exchange markets.
Liberal Democrat leader Hazel Watson called for council tax to be frozen and the authority's cash reserves to be used to protect services.
He wants money from the eurozone's main rescue funds to be used to buy bonds from countries like his own, to lower their costs.
Specialist lifting equipment had to be used to move the pumpkin to the Jubilee Sailing Trust Pumpkin Festival at the Royal Victoria Country Park.
Colin Samuels, 61, from Redgrave, Suffolk, is alleged to be the "front man" who allowed his bank account to be used to launder money.
He is alleged to have allowed his company bank account, First Direct Recovery Ltd, to be used to launder criminal proceeds of the fraud.
But 3D printing has now improved to the point that it is starting to be used to produce the finished items themselves (see article).
ECONOMIST: How a new manufacturing technology will change the world
"Eva would have wanted the memory of her life to be used to benefit others facing similar addiction challenges in their lives, " his tribute said.
CNN: Billionaire's son in court over death of wife, Eva Rausing