Piano and trumpet players infuse classic jazz into the bar and three dining rooms.
Frequent visitors include a trumpet fish known as Nick, as well as squid and octopus at night.
"True Love On Three With Feeling" is actually a jaunty duet, backed by trumpet and a peppy chorus.
They make the vuvuzela sound like Louis Armstrong playing Gabriel's trumpet on a cloud in heaven.
But it's amazing that such a curt person could play the trumpet so well.
S. Bach's Second Brandenburg Concerto (ca. 1721) includes a part for solo trumpet in this style.
Instrument makers of the time also invented a trumpet with a sliding, telescoping tube extension.
But war itself is never glorious, and we must never trumpet it as such.
It's no wonder that conservatives have started to trumpet him as their Great Black Hope.
While scrambling for green-energy investments they can trumpet in news releases, penny-stock operators invariably collide.
Unable to take the long metal trumpet inside the football grounds, he re-modelled it in plastic.
At approximately 1:34, the camera shows Davis fidgeting with his synthesizer while playing trumpet blasts.
It is a pity that Mr de Villiers does not trumpet this simple solution more noisily.
Now Caplan is ready to trumpet the company's transformation with some serious image enhancement.
Getting things this right is a rare and enjoyable experience so excuse the trumpet blowing.
The thirteen-year-old boy started learning how to play the trumpet only four months ago.
NPR: 'A Tale of Music': From 'Literature from the Axis of Evil'
The world of the trumpet, the world of music that I've loved so much.
NPR: 'A Tale of Music': From 'Literature from the Axis of Evil'
And the NASA administrator must sound the trumpet and lead the charge of change.
FORBES: NASA, Got Space Exploration? Get Goals, Get Funding and Get Uhura.
We tend to trumpet the very best of international music, celebrating our discerning cosmopolitanism.
No other school knows how to blow its own trumpet as well as the Golden Domers do.
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We trumpet interventions for which there is no supportive evidence simply because these interventions are de rigueur.
With various modifications, the oval coil has remained the basic shape of the trumpet to this day.
At the time, the trombone was a more refined instrument than either the trumpet or the horn.
Ramphele joined the band when he was just 14 and last year was appointed lead trumpet player.
CNN: Top brass: Marching band keeps youngsters from gang life
And then, to trumpet fanfare, the balcony curtains parted and he appeared above them, to bless them.
What made him opt for a life in a quarry instead of the one with the trumpet?
NPR: 'A Tale of Music': From 'Literature from the Axis of Evil'
The teacher went down to the musical storage behind the stage and brought out a glittering trumpet.
NPR: 'A Tale of Music': From 'Literature from the Axis of Evil'
Intelligence is a tough business: successes are often impossible to trumpet, but failures are all too evident.
Though they are reluctant to trumpet the fact, all the region's governments have started that joyless task.
The new technology of the early 1800s that produced the valve horn also made possible the valve trumpet.