Now these horses, for all their high character and unfailing common sense, are remarkably dreary creatures.
Even a short visit unfailing impresses one with the country's human and natural resources.
Energy and resilience marked his life, and a creative drive as unfailing as the sun guaranteed his legacy.
As I said, I had had this unfailing signal within eyeshot--180 Degrees of Lester Thurow--and failed to see it.
Discreetly, humbly and silently, but with an unfailing presence and utter fidelity, even when he finds it hard to understand.
Maybe it was his old-fashioned manners -- his unfailing courtesy and warmth.
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The Welsh striker who joined Swindon Town in 2004 said he did not want his family to suffer anymore and thanked them for their unfailing support.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Wiltshire | Player's thanks for alcohol help
An unfailing commitment to protect public health and safety, security, and the environment is essential to ensuring that nuclear power remains part of our diversified clean-energy portfolio.
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Even Marian Jordan, the founder of Redeemed Girl Ministries who speaks to women "about the unfailing love that she has found in Jesus, " took a crack at the market.
In contrast, the knockout phase of the Europa League has been a steady parade of wild shoot-outs, improbable comebacks and gripping match-ups between teams with an unfailing commitment to attack.
"It's the concerted and unfailing efforts of these guys behind me, " referring to the group of 10 executive directors and senior managers that stood behind the two brothers as they spoke.
He said that thinking about this "silent groundswell" should open up minds to the "deepest secret of all - the trust that the entire universe is held together by the quiet, unfailing generosity of God".
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Every island had its own character and superlatives, but each was linked by unfailing friendliness, the gentle lilt of the Hawaiian ukulele, a tropical climate that generally steadied between 80F and 88F, and a never-ending series of achingly beautiful sunsets.