• 刚才急急忙忙跑出去撒尿了。

    He's just nipped out to have a slash.


  • 刚才封面发现了处错误

    I've just spotted a mistake on the front cover.


  • 回到刚才所谈一点上

    Let me just go back to the point I was making.


  • 刚才琢磨上哪儿了呢。

    I was just beginning to wonder where you were.


  • 刚才正要同一件事情

    I was just about to ask you the same thing.


  • 刚才一直在我们罗马之行

    She has just been telling us about her trip to Rome.


  • 这些事实披露出来

    These facts have only just been brought to light.


  • 制动踏板刚才突然断裂了。

    The brake pedal had just snapped off.


  • 刚才琢磨路途太远了。

    I was just thinking what a long way it is.


  • 刚才脑子里突然闪过一个可怕念头

    An awful thought has just struck me.


  • 不差地复述刚才说过的话吗?

    Can you repeat what I've just said word for word?


  • 这里呢。”小声抱怨说。

    'But I've only just got here,' he bleated feebly.


  • 一下可能真的相信刚才说的话吧!

    Now hang on a minuteyou can't really believe what you just said!


  • 你猜刚才见到了!

    Guess who I've just seen!


  • 至于刚才所说

    Apropos (of) what you were just saying...


  • 刚才见到过

    I just saw him a moment ago.


  • 刚才说到恋爱了。

    I spoke just now of being in love.


  • 刚才在这儿

    She was here just a minute ago.


  • 刚才一直在将军们解释战略基本原则

    I've just been explaining the basic principles of strategy to my generals.


  • 根据刚才所说的,明白怎么会产生那样的结果。

    I don't see how that follows from what you've just said.


  • I've only just arrived.


  • 市政府官员们刚才体育场的承建工作做了最终批准

    The city fathers have just given final approval to a new stadium.


  • 你猜刚才看见了,玛吉难道不知道吉姆妻子呀。

    Guess who I've just seen? Maggie! You knowJim's wife.


  • 刚才纯属捣乱。

    Just now he was just messing around.


  • 刚才教你的。

    I just taught you.


  • 条小路刚才那条陡的人

    The path was steeper and less travelled than the previous one.


  • 抱歉刚才发了这么一通火。

    I'm sorry I made such a scene.


  • 刚才看到那边的商店里。

    I saw him down at the shops.


  • 希望刚才话记录在案

    I'd like that last remark to be minuted.


  • 刚才说话的是妻子

    That's my wife you were talking to.


- 来自原声例句

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