• 制冷系数目标函数制冷循环系统性能进行优化分析。

    The coefficient of performance is taken as an objective function. The performance of the refrigeration system is optimized.


  • 了解分析影响各种制冷循环制冷系数主要因素提高制冷系数途径

    Acknowledge the main factors which have influence on coefficient of performance of refrigeration cycle and the way to improve it.


  • 制冷制冷系数变化趋势交叉点处为压缩机发挥最佳制冷性能的控制点;

    Refrigerator oil having viscosity corresponded to the cross point of refrigerating capacity curve and refrigerating coefficient curve was the optimum product to obtain optimal refrigeration effect.


  • 导出以理想气体范德瓦耳斯气体工质制冷最佳制冷系数制冷关系。

    The relation between the optimal coefficient of performance and the rate of refrigeration of a Carnot refrigerator for an idea or van der Waals gas as a working fluids(?)derived.


  • 其次从基本优化关系式出发单位面积制冷负载制冷系数变化曲线做详细的研究

    Secondly, the curves of the cooling load per unit heat-transfer area varying with the coefficient of performance are investigated based on the fundamental optimum relation.


  • 本文的主要目的研究远洋船舶制冷替代过程中,共沸混合制冷发生泄漏系统制冷系数制冷量的影响。

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the change of COP and capacity after the leakage of the non-azeotropic mixing refrigerant in marine refrigeration systems.


  • 本文分析传统采用制冷系数EER作为节能指标准确性,提出采用(?)效率作为衡量制冷装置在不同工况下运行的节能指标。

    This paper shows that the energy efficient ratio(EER)is not suited to be the index of refrigeration conditions and adopts the energetic efficiency as the index of energy conservation.


  • 设定实验工况下,压缩机制冷系数实测值仅为2.14,与单相流体排热系统相比辐射面积减少22.8%,系统重量增加了7.5%。

    The measured results indicate that the compressor COP is 2.14, which results in a 22.8% reduction of the radiator area, and an 7.5% increase system weight compared the single-phase fluid system.


  • 空调制冷燃油消耗问题、系数也会影响车辆油耗

    The air conditioning refrigeration fuel consumption, the drag coefficient will affect the vehicle's fuel consumption.


  • 氧化薄膜作为制冷红外探测器热敏材料要求具有高电阻温度系数(TCR)合适的电阻值,以满足器件的应用

    As the detecting material of uncooled infrared detectors, vanadium oxide (VOX) thin films need high temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) and suitable film resistance for using of the device.


  • 降低冷却水进口温度提高质量流量不仅有利于提高制冷性能系数而且降低最佳高压压力。

    Reducing the inlet temperature of cooling water and increasing its mass flow are favorable to increase refrigerant performance coefficient, and can decrease optimal pressure at high pressure side.


  • 本文针对回热进口制冷为过冷液体节流介绍确定其沿程阻力系数两种方法

    The article focuses on two ways to determine friction factors of the capliliary tube without backheating which inlet refrigerant is subcooling liquid.


  • 针对九种不同测试方法理清所有影响因素制冷传递关系,分析得出反映传递关系的灵敏系数初步建立分析不确定度模型

    Aim at all the tests, deduce the sensitivity coefficients reflecting the transfer relation by make all the factors infecting the output and erect the uncertainty model elementarily.


  • 结果表明,在微型冷库生命周期内最佳保温层厚度与微型冷库库容无关,而电价制冷机组的价格系数等因素有关。

    The results show that the thickness only has relation with the power price, the coefficient of the price of the refrigeration unit, etc.


  • 吸收式制冷的优势在于可用热源驱动环保无公害流体作为工作介质,缺点是性能系数(COP)较低。

    Absorption refrigeration can use low thermal potential energy as its power and environment friendly fluids as its working substance.


  • 真空绝缘VIP导热系数达0.004W/M.K,为传统聚脂发泡板的五分之一左右,可广泛应用航天航空、冷藏集装箱、船舶冷藏库、冰箱、冷库、医用保温箱、民用制冷设备。

    The thermal conductivity of vacuum insulated panel can be 0.004W/M. K, and is only one-fifth of common Polyurethane material. VIP can be used in many fields, such as Avigation.


  • 并讨论了循环发生温度蒸发温度、吸收温度循环性能系数、循环倍率制冷影响

    The influences of generation temperature, evaporation temperature, absorption temperature to the coefficient of performance, circular ratio and cooling capacity were also studied.


  • 再生温度环境空气湿量系统制冷量和性能系数影响较大,环境空气温度的影响较小;

    The regenerating temperature and the humidity ratios of ambient air are two main factors affecting system performance, while the temperature of ambient air functions less.


  • 实验表明,以增大制冷流速强化换热,可以提高蒸发器传热系数

    The results indicate that increasing the refrigerant flow rate can enhance the coefficient of heat transfer of the evaporator.


  • 实验结果表明,系统运行时最大制冷(热)系数取决于系统蒸发温度气体冷却器出口温度。

    Results from the experiment show that there exists a maximum coefficient of performance and it depends on the evaporation temperature and outlet temperature of the gas cooler.


  • 实验结果表明,系统运行时最大制冷(热)系数取决于系统蒸发温度气体冷却器出口温度。

    Results from the experiment show that there exists a maximum coefficient of performance and it depends on the evaporation temperature and outlet temperature of the gas cooler.


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