• 从今以后千万忘记锁好门户

    In future, make sure the door is never left unlocked.


  • 千万学生感到自己一无所知

    Never make your students feel ignorant.


  • 如果撒谎,措辞要简短;千万别画蛇添足。

    If you're telling lies, keep it simple—never over-egg the pudding.


  • 我们反复叮嘱千万不要陌生人讲话

    We had it drummed into us that we should never talk to strangers.


  • 千万别说那样的话。

    You mustn't say things like that.


  • 千万不要。”蜗牛妈妈

    "You must not scold him," said Mother Snail.


  • 爷爷千万不要这么

    Oh no, you must not think that, grandfather.


  • 千万不要错失这个绝佳的机会

    You mustn't allow this golden opportunity to slip through your fingers.


  • 千万不要试图掉落

    Never catch at a falling knife.


  • 千万不要宠物购买兔子

    Please never buy bunnies from a pet store.


  • 那里本来千万株树木

    There should be millions of trees.


  • 告诉约翰千万不要撒谎

    Tell John never to lie.


  • 饭前千万不要巧克力

    Never eat chocolate before dinner.


  • 这部电影的预算只有1千万美元。

    The film is only budgeted at $10 million.


  • 工程制订一千万法郎预算

    The project has been budgeted at ten million francs.


  • 千万年前地球恐龙的天下。

    Eighty million years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth.


  • 外流量大约是6亿5千万美元。

    There was a net outflow of about $650m.


  • 孟加拉国现有一亿一千万人口

    Bangladesh now has a population of about 110 million.


  • 7千万美元这个数字预计倍。

    The figure of seventy-million dollars was twice as big as expected.


  • 美国,就有1千万男子患有阳痿

    Impotence affects 10 million men in the U.S. alone.


  • 老天爷呀!千万死啊

    Please God, don't let him be dead.


  • 工程编制了一千万法郎预算

    Ten million francs has been budgeted for the project.


  • 他们大约借了千万美元。

    They borrowed something in the order of $10 million.


  • 公司已经安排了1千万美元的广告预算

    The company has budgeted $10 million for advertising.


  • 工程规划国家电网发电3千万

    The project is designed to generate around 30 megawatts of power for the national grid.


  • 千万不要鼓励学生思考

    Heaven forfend that students are encouraged to think!


  • 离开住宅千万要锁门

    On no account should the house be left unlocked.


  • 重要千万不要过度进行一项新的锻炼

    It is important never to overdo new exercises.


  • 电子印刷有约千万美元年度销售额

    The electronic and printing unit has annual sales of about $80 million.


  • 电子印刷有约千万美元年度销售额

    The electronic and printing unit has annual sales of about $80 million.


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