They could not understand this, and a cold fear fell upon all the three of them.
"What is it?" I asked, with a cold fear in my heart.
'What is it?' I asked, with a cold fear in my heart.
A cold fear overcame her, "the fear of losing the faculty of reason".
Meanwhile, coldness is shown to be a symptom of shock, as when Juliet in Romeo and Juliet reveals: 'I have a faint cold fear that thrills through my veins.'
We all have at least one memory when we have faced that eloquent silence of our elders such as parents or teachers when we have felt a cold fear at the bristling silence of their fury.
Was he shivering from fear or from cold?
He felt a cold shiver of fear run through him.
We can experience cold, hunger, pain, sadness, abandonment, loneliness, fear, joy, etc. with the same intensity humans do.
He said the cold and silence of this frozen world seemed to increase a man's fear of death.
The passage continues: "Mr Salter smiled; to him, it was as though an Arctic explorer had expressed a fear that the weather might turn cold."
There is none of the paranoia and fear that marked the early cold war, and little desire to return to it.
Describe the comfort zone this places you in (' Cold calling fills me with fear so I don't include it in my list of skills. ').
Divers swimming in clear, warm water seem to experience pleasant sensations, while those in dark, cold water seem to encounter panic, fear, anxiety, and depression.5.
In a cold winter, many families leave their Windows open for fear of shattering glass from explosions. People drag mattresses to the middle of their rooms.
The law should be applied without fear or favour, with only cold reason and the facts of the case determining what happens to the accused.
Other triggers can include cold air, extreme emotional arousal such as anger or fear, and physical exercise.
It has also turned Niger into a bellwether for those who fear that the struggle to secure the continent's resources risks re-creating the ruinous brinkmanship of the cold war.
While there's some truth to this, I've found venture capital firms are driven by gut instinct, cold hard business fundamentals and fear — in equal doses.
He enjoined me to be alert all the way for fear to catch a cold at night.
Especially those hiding in buildings as bombs rain down, or being handed shaking with fear or cold into a boat to escape environmental disaster or war.
"I love them best when they're totally at ease: free from pain, fear, cold, hunger or any other discomfort".
You use cold heart, warm every heart that fear.
His blood grows cold with fear.
His blood grows cold with fear.