I hope this article shows that there are some advantages of using the Internet and you re-consider your home loan you will consider the Internet the next.
With the policy oriented engine and the engine of economic growth, these two engines, each enterprise CIO, and even CEO, have to consider the Internet, what should we do?
A recent study found that the number of Americans with high-speed Internet at home today actually fell during the last two years, and 15% of people now consider themselves to be "cord-cutters".
SBC said it did not yet have plans to build Internet access points beyond the central campgrounds, but in the future might consider placing connections in the farther reaches of the parks.
As an example, consider if you were building a system to run an e-commerce site on the Internet.
Consider a standard Google Web search, where thousands or millions of matches may be found among the uncountable number of Web pages on the Internet.
The developers at these companies need to consider the business goals of their Web and Internet applications before they worry about the technologies used to deliver them.
What do married couples consider unacceptable USES of the Internet?
Or consider a development team that downloads a third-party component from the Internet and includes it as part of their application.
The board wants to consider executives with strong operational skills who may be veterans of the high-tech and media worlds, rather than simply Internet industry types, this person says.
Consider the case of a major Internet retailer preparing for a major sales event.
Naturally, Wasik is worried about coming off like a scolding schoolmarm, especially because his cure for our Internet-fired ADD is a bit obvious: Slow down and consider the long view.
The experience of Chinese firms in America has encouraged other emerging-market Internet companies to consider IPOs there.
If you find yourself sucked into the Internet and frequently lose track of time, consider installing software that keeps track of time for you, and can remind you when it's time to take a break.
As a final note, you should consider all of the extensions discussed here to be works-in-progress that will continue to evolve as they navigate through the IETF Internet Standards process.
最后需要注意的一点是,应该将这里讨论的所有扩展都看成是未完工程,它们将随着IETF Internet Standards的进程而不断演变。
I love the apartment, but the rent is slightly over my budget. Would you consider including Internet and cable in the asking price?
The internationalism of internet makes us to consider this problem from the angle of global market.
Most English teachers, even those who consider themselves computer novices, have several relative advantages when learning to use the Internet.
The default value is set to 8 but, in practice, depending on your application, you must consider that most ISPs provide asymmetric Internet access.
In this class, we will consider the interaction between policy and technology as it relates to the Internet and the World Wide Web, and the evolving fights for control of the Internet.
So they don't consider putting in enough effort or time to earn money on the web and then blame the internet for their failure.
For example, consider a program that lets you configure your own personalized newspaper from information on the Internet.
Besides, IT may consider telecommunications networks, the management of data and many technologies based on the use of the Internet.
If stationmaster does not have what the hobby did not go after to do a website, I consider these people is passing traveller just, just join to Internet curiosity.
Next we consider the adversarial model in the Internet environment. We analyze properties that commitment schemes should have especially in the bare public key model and give a formal definition.
If you're considering replacing your traditional telephone service with Internet Voice, there are some things you should consider when looking at the various providers.
These third parties need to seriously consider how to make the best use of the Internet to create the most effective operation model.
These third parties need to seriously consider how to make the best use of the Internet to create the most effective operation model.