Can biology explain the global credit crunch?
THE global credit crunch was universally painful.
Part of the explanation is the global credit crunch.
to judge how vulnerable economies are to the global credit crunch.[/quote]
这里的句子划分我觉得好像是这样:tojudgehowvulnerable /economiesare /totheglobal credit crunch.而不是“vulnerable economies”.
The global credit crunch was universally painful. The recovery has been uneven.
However, two decades ago there was nothing like the current global credit crunch.
The imf warns that the global credit crunch will lower economic growth next year, with the us hardest hit.
The final number likely will be lower still to reflect subprime-mortgage turmoil and the global credit crunch.
The last thing you want to do in a global credit crunch is go around and basically tell people to tighten, tighten, tighten.
Our table (based largely on figures provided by HSBC) uses three indicators to judge how vulnerable economies are to the global credit crunch.
The agencies have been widely criticised for failing to foresee trouble in financial products made of sub-prime mortgages that triggered the global credit crunch.
What is more, the global credit crunch and economic recession that initiated in the U. S. is catching up with Europe, causing reduced consumer spending in Europe.
'the global credit crunch has seen the number of international Banks lending to the power and water sector decline,' said Medley energy director Bill Farren-Price.
Medley能源主管普赖斯(Bill Farren - Price)表示,全球信贷危机已经使得能为电力和水力项目提供贷款的跨国银行数量减少。
Nomura bought the operations of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in Asia, Europe and the Middle East after the global credit crunch caused the Wall Street firm to collapse in September.
China is one of the few countries in the world where credit has accelerated since the start of the global credit crunch-though some of the lending is of the state-directed sort.
In a comment published Thursday, Moody's Investor's Service warned that Japan's Banks had 'now been drawn fully into the global credit crunch' amid the domestic economic downturn and market slump.
穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody' s Investors Service Inc .)在周四发布的评论中警告称,由于日本国内经济低迷、市场滑坡,日资银行现在已经被完全拖入了全球信贷危机。
Even allowing for the credit crunch, this decade may well see the fastest growth in global income per person in history.
But the good times came to a sudden end in late 2008 as the credit crunch paralyzed global financial markets.
The measure is seen by many economists as an important step toward ending an international credit crunch that could strangle global economic growth.
So why are global stockmarkets, after a wobbly January, acting as if they had barely heard of the credit crunch?
Emerging markets have proved largely "decoupled" from the Western credit crunch but inflation is proving a global problem.
Timmer explained that the global economy was going through “a perfect storm,” with the global recession, the credit crunch, and languishing confidence working together in a very negative dynamic.
Unlike the credit crunch, however, the peak oil risk assessment involves big companies sounding the alarm alongside organisations like Global Witness.
The clear and present danger for the global boom is a credit crunch.
Thus the growth in US household indebtedness that led to today's "credit crunch" is a direct result of the global imbalances.
Nouriel Roubini, the global "Dr Doom" who got much of the crisis right, has also persistently revised his forecasts lower as the credit crunch has bitten harder.
全球“末日博士”鲁里埃尔·鲁比尼(Nouriel Roubini)在一定程度上预见到了此次危机,但他也是随着信贷危机的冲击加重而不断下调预测。
Nouriel Roubini, the global "Dr Doom" who got much of the crisis right, has also persistently revised his forecasts lower as the credit crunch has bitten harder.
全球“末日博士”鲁里埃尔·鲁比尼(Nouriel Roubini)在一定程度上预见到了此次危机,但他也是随着信贷危机的冲击加重而不断下调预测。