I sense ticket sales spiking across the country.
This is consistent with a recent drop in property sales growth across the country and falling house price inflation.
Across the country, there are more waiters than labourers, more amusement park attendants than engineers, and more shop assistants and sales reps than construction workers.
House values climbed across the country, and existing-house sales hit levels not seen since the end of the boom in early 2007.
Headquartered in Shanghai we have a team of 130 associates across the country in currently 8 Area Sales Offices and is continuously expanding our presence.
Chief Economist David Crowe with the National Association of home Builders says builder confidence is rising across the country as home sales and prices continue ticking upward.
More than 800 stores across the country and service center, can be seen everywhere sales and service staff friendly smile, quality and elegance embodied most vividly.
Sales outlets across the country, in the industry has a good image and reputation.
The measures appear to be working, with sales of new and existing homes down across the country in January, leading to dampened sentiment and a slide in prices in some cities.
Our sales keep increasing in successive years and our products are vastly accepted across the country and are exported to Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bengal, Egypt and Belgium and so on.
Extensive sales network, the business scope of coverage across the country.
Our sales network can be found across the country and the world to guarantee - satisfactory pre-sale and after-sale service to customers.
Companies across the country to set up more than 100 sales agents.
If the sales go well, KFC may start selling rice across the country.
Cricket fighting associations have sprung up across the country, as up to RMB400m were spent on cricket sales and upkeep in 2010.
全国各地的斗蟋蟀协会如雨后春笋般涌现。 2010年,蟋蟀交易和养殖产业已达4亿元规模。
Sales network across the country, with several automobile manufacturers and exported to Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other countries.
Sales network across the country, with several automobile manufacturers and exported to Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other countries.