There he found rich subject matter in the people,hunters and wildlife of the area.
VOA: special.2010.07.25
So the reasons for this really enormous shift in plans, and the enormous shift in subject matter, are worth exploring.
Now the subject matter that he's chosen for this poem, for this so-called first poem, couldn't possibly be more appropriate.
In other words, we no longer say, "How does the author exert autonomous will with respect to the subject matter being expressed?"
Obviously, it's not going to be a question identical to something you've done, but it's going to cover that subject matter.
I think maybe the best option is to take both if you're really interested in the subject matter.
Custom dictates that I say something about the subject matter of this course at its outset.
If there's something distinct about it" Southern art "It's subject matter and also inner heritage.
Okay, so I will now proceed to the actual subject matter for today.
Who else is really put off by this subject matter?
I'll talk about who will benefit from the course and a little bit about sort of the detailed subject matter that we'll cover in the course of this semester.
On Tuesday we'll turn to a more specific subject matter: hermeneutics, what hermeneutics is, how we can think about the nature of interpretation.
Now we have the trappings here of epic grandeur and epic subject matter.
The subject matter itself becomes the dominant device, and it implies in your imagination a way to construct it, but the way to construct it is not the dominant.
In other words, what is there--which is a kind of way of talking really has to do with what Gadamer means when he talks also about die Sache, the subject matter.
Milton claims that he will one day use the English language to express what he calls "some graver subject," some more important subject matter, and he proceeds to characterize what that graver subject will look like.
The good news is that we are going to be shifting gears very soon and moving into subject matter unlike anything you have seen in high school, and so you will get a fresh start.
Literary theory, as I say, is skeptical about the foundations of its subject matter and also, in many cases, about the foundations of what it itself is doing.
Very frequently, as is the case in Gadamer, this meaning is called "the subject matter": that is to say, what--in thinking about literature in terms of form and content, let's say--we'd call "content."
In other words, the effort of a reader in coming to terms with the meaning of a text is an effort to master the subject matter, what is there, what the text is really about.
This much, by the way, Wimsatt has in common with Gadamer, because Gadamer doesn't talk much about authors either, and Gadamer is interested in what he calls meaning, the subject matter, die Sache. Right? He's not interested in your sort of expression of that meaning or my expression of that meaning.
Syuzhet is the plot, the way in which a story is constructed, and the fabula is the subject matter or material out of which the syuzhet is made.