How can it activate the rules of a language from within and thus give rise to the designs which are properly own--its own?"
An example is production of certain molecules called cytokines by T-cells that activate themselves.
This is something poetry can activate and draw upon.
But just realize as a teaser coming for problem set 1 will be instructions on how to activate your so called cloud account and it's on the CS50 cloud that you'll be writing your programs, compiling your programs, testing your programs, running your websites ultimately.
These kinds of molecules which activate genes, they're activating the process of transcription.
The more the receptor gets activated the more feedback it gets to activate.
Much of the work that pharmaceutical companies do in terms of searching for drugs is searching for new ligands that activate receptors and create biological responses inside cells.
Usually the cellular means that they get rid of is that instead of an antibody being produced, you activate a population of cells that will specifically go and hunt down the foreign antigen, or more commonly, cells that contain the foreign antigen.
It turns out to activate RNA interference, you deliver double stranded RNA.
The end result is you can design now very specific double stranded RNA sequences, that when delivered into cells again will activate this process of natural degradation of an existing messenger RNA.