And specifically, when we talk about ionization energy, it's assumed that what we mean is actually the first ionization energy.
And you assumed that he must work out.
And I found there were very few philosophers to even touch that topic, it was just something that they just assumed that somehow, yes, of course all humans have dignity and moral status and rights.
Further, the nucleus is assumed to be the seat of the essential part of the mass of the atom, and to have linear dimensions exceedingly small compared with the linear dimensions of the whole atom."
We naturally assumed that it was Milton himself who was describing his college friendship with Lycidas' Edward King.
And according to the Book of Joshua, Israel's tribal structure assumed its classical form at this time.
This is a special case, though, because I've assumed that the assets are independent of each other, which isn't usually the case.
These are natural facts about the universe, but the naturalness needs to be explained and not merely assumed.
You were smart and adorable and all this time I assumed you were dumb and adorable.
So, those who are captured in war, cannot be assumed to be justly or naturally enslaved.
When i thought about where to go to college, everyone assumed that i would go to a technical school, someplace where people might interested to go.
What is was, they went to areas of Paris like Belleville, which is in the northeast, which had long been assumed to be a radical place.
We could have assumed that all they really care about is winning and that winning gave them a high payoff and that losing gave them nothing.
w we have the environment doing work on the system OK, now we've assumed that epsilon prime is greater than epsilon.
A bourgeois or a burgher was somebody who lived in a city and assumed that some of the justice that was levied against him or her would be the result of decisions taken locally.
In all these examples, this rope is assumed to be massless.
He assumed that such a course would lead to progress and the general improvement of the human condition, and it was that sort of thinking that lay at the heart of the scientific revolution and remains the faith on which modern science and technology rest.
I'm feeling--when he did that I felt something " and I assumed it was love."
And here we've assumed the payoffs are those that arise if players only care about their own grades, which I think was true for a lot of you.
B is the assumed cross-section of the nucleus.
He wrote a long and detailed history of Britain, attempting to create the meaning of that little island that he always assumed was God's chosen nation.
So another issue here is, I just assumed that there were two candidates.
But that's not the only thing we could have assumed.
would have been the winning answer had everyone assumed that the average would have been constantly compounded down to 1, but since a couple of people chose the, I mean not incorrect answers, but the higher averages, then it was pushed up to 13.