And if you don't put a point but just put a number, this specifies the width of space that will be used by the number you're inserting there.
Let's look at how these two different ways can be used and expressed by the same pattern.
He must know how to use religious passions and sentiments but not be used by them.
So what is the authentic instrument to be used by the reader?
It used to be that government officials were all picked by political patronage and they, very often, were incompetent.
It used to be employed by the Space Research Center at the specific Institute of Technology.
Humoral comes from the term humours and it used to be that we thought about disease as being caused by the balance of humours in our blood.
It used to be case that trained people like dieticians would have to sit down and go through one by one by one and do nutrient analysis, but of course the computer helps with that.
You reach Egypt, and of course, Egypt is one of the great empires of antiquity going back into, perhaps, certainly into the fourth millennium, possibly into the fifth, by no means as powerful as it used to be, far from it.
And so, by and large, until this freon was invented by Midgley, there wasn't a good gas that had the right properties to be used for a refrigerant.
This tends to be an awkward expression or term that is used by historians.
This was developed by Mahzarin Banaji who used to be at Yale and now is in an inferior university in Boston and it's called implicit attitudes test and it's the biggest psychology experiment ever done in terms of people.
The new prince, as we've seen, must know how to use religion but needs to learn how not to be used by religion, must not become a dupe of the religious.
We call an instrument of the U.S. Treasury with a maturity less than or equal to one year--we call that a bill and they used to be the only discount bonds issued by the U.S. Government.
We're used to thinking about sound being tranduced; being converted by acoustic waves into electrical signals that can be recognized by your iPods.
It used to be that it was actually the gold standard kind of came in by accident in England originally; that was in the 1600s.