Those are the familiar and empirical objects that we can see, pieces of paper, bodies, pieces of chalk, bars of metal.
But suppose you are in a train and you're moving past me and you look at this piece of chalk.
Clearly, if I take a chalk like this one here, and I throw it on the ground, and it breaks in little pieces, if I run the movie backwards that doesn't make sense, right?
- Well, just a moment ago, we did have -- -- and this time I'll use some chalk here -- a moment ago, we did have a picture depicting what was going on when you call the function.
It's not the most interesting physical object in the world, but it's a whole lot more interesting than a piece of chalk.
It could be that a random distribution-- I don't have colored chalk here I don't think, so I will use a dash line to represent the fat-tailed distribution.
What I can do with is some more chalk.
If you believe black men are criminals, then when you see a black man who is a criminal you'll chalk it down as support but you'll pay less attention to evidence that white men are criminals and some black men are not criminals.
You've got to pretty much take that chalk, and make a slurry out of it, put water, and dry it back up, put in a mold, and then you can have the chalk again, but you can't just glue it back together.
You might think -- and this board is -- and you know what, let's use the computer because it will erase more cleanly than chalk.
It can do all sorts of things a piece of chalk can't do.
Let me draw a quick picture in chalk here.
Just think of them as the set of abilities that people have, the things that we can do that other physical objects-- chalk, radios, cars-- those things can't do.
Now this is fundamentally important, and as you know that means that it warrants the exalted distinction of being put up in colored chalk.
For example, if you're talking about the chalk--if I throw the chalk, you will have to know where it is and how fast it's moving.
A piece of chalk can be broken.
Here's a piece of chalk.
I'm all set, I only use this chalk.