And archaeologists for a long time were convinced that they would find these destruction layers. But they were disappointed.
And he convinced me that they actually could fly.
But frankly, I'm convinced, insofar as I'm convinced of anything, that if one doesn't live by that, nothing of any interest is going to happen.
You underlined it perhaps because you were convinced that this was Milton's wonderful and liberatory, progressive celebration of the absolute inviolability of the written word.
And, if you felt you were convinced by my reading of that iconography in these passages, then you want to think about why that's convincing.
Redleaf went in and said, you should really do it and he convinced them, apparently, and they cut their dividend.
And I end up going back and doing unit testing anyway, to try and figure out why it doesn't work. So over the years, I've just convinced myself I might as well start where I'm going to end up.
Or, and this is the same: in his unconscious, every one of us is convinced of his immortality.
But I was convinced I'd hear the click-click-click-click-click which is what tells you you're in trouble.
He was captivated by it, he--at one point I think he convinced himself that he was a descendant of the kings of that civilization.
If every time I get the same acceleration, I'm convinced this is a reliable spring that is somehow producing the same force under the same condition.
So have I convinced you that there's something you can do with iterative deletion?
Let me say, I am by no means convinced that the idea for the philosopher-king is an impossibility or is intended as a kind of absurdity.
Perhaps a mistake with some of the answers we got but one of our choice favorites was this one and it's actually fairly worth drawing one's attention to and that's this: I planned on taking the class as a freshman then convinced myself otherwise because I couldn't fit it into my workload.
Although Freud was very sensitive to the brain basis of behavior, Freud was totally convinced that the method through which to cure disorders like depression and anxiety would not be medication but rather through the sort of talk therapy and insight.
He convinced us all to say "African American."