She said, we have it now at Swiss Re and, of course, The World Bank sponsors crop insurance for farmers.
It would be quickly ground into flour and used before it even has time to ferment, to quickly offer something to the deity again, to procure favor for the rest of the crop.
Not entirely accurate about that either, from what we now know about the profitability of slavery and the profitability of the cotton crop.
So, wouldn't you think that farmers would want to buy crop insurance from this Swiss company?
So, you find another crop that will grow there that can be useful; that's the picture.
Do you have the sense that they are... this crop of young people coming on the scene, they are more willing and more able to do better by America by our world?
A lot of it can't produce the crop you would most like to grow.
There are some very poor areas in Africa where farmers really run the risk-- if their crop fails it could be really bad; they would be approaching starvation.
在非洲有一些非常贫困的地区,那里的农民真的面临着巨大的风险,一旦庄稼歉收 他们的处境将变得很糟糕,他们将经历饥荒
The cotton crop nearly doubled every decade from 1820 to 1860.
The South had its greatest cotton crop ever in 1860.
So, now, the defenders have to do it, in a perfect situation, I am marching towards their corn crop, grain crop, at the time just before the grain is going to be harvested.
The reason for that is, if you are just engaged in a single crop farming, well you plant it, you take care of it, and then when the times comes you reap it.
I was standing at the World Economic Forum at one of our lunch things and a young woman approached from Swiss Re, which is the Swiss Reinsurance Company, and she said she wanted my ideas on how to sell crop insurance in Africa.