My critical powers are just sufficient to determine this, and I am gratified to be able to say it.
And that's what led us to a number of results to determine what quantities we even need to be looking at.
We might be asked, for example, to determine what all of the different elements could be that would produce a spectrum that gave us 5 different lines.
He is exclusively concerned with fiction and how we read fiction, how we come to understand fiction, and how we determine the meaning of a work of fiction.
Regimes or constitutions you might say are forms or formalities that determine how power is shared and distributed among citizens.
So, numbers count, but it's not an easy one-to-one question, various issues will determine who comes out ahead.
Neither do the dealers determine the term structure; the dealers have to buy and sell at prices that are in the market.
And, subsequently, we looked at photoelectron spectroscopy which is a technique that allows us to determine binding energies, ionization energies being just one example.
STUDENT: So, how do you come to a conclusion as to which you should use then, if you can determine the size based on solution, or based on input, so how do you decide?
Any belief is heresy if you haven't managed to determine that belief for yourself, if you haven't managed to determine that belief on the basis of your own conscience or through the powers of your own faculty of reason.
They often determine how good or not so good our relationships are.
But when you look at the experience of Britain and the Dutch Republic, they do share things that, in a way, determine the kind of political economy that they would have.
Steroid hormones, on the other hand, molecules like testosterone and estrogen, progesterone, the sex steroids that determine sexual characteristics and are important for reproductive function are molecules that are all derived from a similar source.
Holy things are holy because they are removed from the realm of the common by means of rules or safeguards that demarcate them as different and separate and determine that we use them differently. The preservation of holy status therefore depends on those rules and safeguards.
Well, for instance, you could build machines that when babies suck on a pacifier they hear music or they hear language, and then you could look at how much they suck on the pacifier to determine what they like.
But how carefully you estimate will determine in part how good your ultimate records are so please try to be as careful as you can, and then pick the closest option if you can't find the exact food that you're eating at that time.