It's a provisional ending. It's not a rhyme word, and so it doesn't constitute the end of a unit of sense as a rhyme word would in most heroic couplets.
It was really good. A really sad ending or a messed up ending, I mean... it's kind of a mind-bender.
In Lycidas Milton doesn't let himself, thank God, go quite so far as he does in this amazing ending to "Damon's Epitaph."
So if you are in exile, then perhaps a more satisfying ending is to have Israel not in fact entering the land.
And if you've read the ending in the notes, you'll remember those passages where he asks that question.
And then,as I said,through these different institutions of Christianity ending up coming to somewhat different decisions.
In binary search-- ah, there's that wonderful phrase, this is called a version of binary search just like you saw bin-- or bi-section methods, - when we were doing numerical things- in binary search, I need to keep track of the starting point and the ending point of the list I'm looking at.
four to five minutes were cut yet but I thought the ending was pretty bad actually.
So, father and son, happy ending, they both have their Noble prizes.
What's interesting of course is that such relationships don't seem to have any greater chance of ending in divorce than people who marry for love.
.. All right. I want to end by... I'm not close to ending, but the last thing I'm going to do is read aloud some student evaluations.
So he won back the entire kingdom and that's the ending.
So we don't ask why is this guy ending it all today?
Cv The only difference is it'll be Cp instead of Cv, B but there it is for pathway B. There it is for C a pathway C. So the state functions that we're familiar with are doing what we expect they ought to be doing, right? If you go around in a cycle, starting and ending at the same place the state functions have to stay the same.
It's the same desire for some kind of sacrificial substitution that, I think, is fueling the poem's ending.
We need to get at the story of the Fall from the perspective of its beginning rather than from the perspective of its ending.