If the poem seems momentarily to suggest otherwise, that's simply Milton's way of reminding us of the extent of our fallen-ness.
If these trees are still supplying shade, embowering the entire valley of Vallombrosa, the leaves haven't all fallen, of course.
And what's fallen out when we do that, because in each case, one of the first derivatives gives us the entropy.
And as they were past they see that a small child has fallen into the pond and is in danger drowning.
So two possible negative effects--the taste is just a tease, the how the noble have fallen--on the one hand.
Now they are falling and in real terms home prices have fallen almost 10% since the peak in 2006.
从2006年房价格最高点算起,现在房价已经,下跌了将近 10%
Those breasts are flat and fallen now ] speaking to her of her body]; Live in a heavenly mansion, Not in some foul sty."
I feel that I've fallen short of my potential " to really make a difference."
Thankfully, they've fallen into disuse.
It had fallen into decay.
The fallen angels may be -- okay, they may be violating mother earth, not so great, but look what this violation produces.
Milton's been noting that some of the pagan deities that the fallen angels eventually became were male and some were female.
It's an underworld filled with gold that a brigade of fallen angels begins to extract with spades and pick axes.
Clearly, it's evil in all sorts of ways. This is the fallen institution established by the fallen angels -- but it's more complicated than that.
To drink from this river would allow the fallen angels to forget their fallen state, to forget the fact of their fallen-ness from their more blissful former condition.
So much of the pathos of Satan's fallen condition involves his painful memory of that blissful state in heaven from which he had fallen.