Under that heading you might call "American Progress" came the sense of American mission: spreading liberty, spreading democracy, spreading Christianity.
What projection does is takes a desire from me and then puts it on somebody else heading outwards.
Beethoven set it under the heading of "God Save the King, " George the Third or somebody.
You see it again on 209, a little later in this scene. His suspicion is aroused when a car pulls up next to them as they're heading out of town.
First possibility I think of under the heading " "A Taste is Just a Tease."
So for some you that are less interested in maybe the physical structure of an individual atom, now some more exciting material for you might be coming up if you like to think about how, instead, molecules behave, either within bonding, within themselves, or with other molecules, that's what we're going to be heading to in this next unit.
I'm going to get back to your answer in a second because you're heading in the right direction.
I'm going to give an example or example of that--of the train kind of going by you, and the sound heading off in the other direction.