Some of us are supermen, and it is quite wrong and wicked for us to be treated as though we were ordinary fellows, and therefore do not tie us down with these ridiculous codes of ethics, and morals, and other things which are simply the weapons by which the weak hold down the strong."
One character, Biff, could never hold down a job,
So in Joshua 23:7-8: ; "Do not utter the names of their gods or swear by them; do not serve them or bow down to them, but hold fast to the Lord your God as you have done this day."
People didn't expect that to hold and so people thought, well it's going to still be down at 1% maybe in three months.
If you can't hold your job down, you can't get the money Ultimately, most of the negative things on that list were instrumentally bad.
For him, and I quote him, "Fortune is a woman and it is necessary to hold her down and beat her, and fight with her."
It's as if he's trying to hold language down.
The one difference it is going to mean, is that at times I might hold some of the discussions for the class, coming down into this part of the room, here, to make it a little easier for Jude.
That tells you something about the physical chemistry of the molecule; that it's these hydrogen bonds that hold the double strands and I can break those down under certain conditions.
So you have this firmament, ; Which is beaten back to hold back primeval waters that are pressing in; you have land which is holding down the waters here.
Or perhaps it means because you're sick, you can't hold your job down.
The stock market is the best investment for long-term holders who can just buy and hold through the ups and down of the market."