Moses holds out a rod during battle in order that Israel prevail over her enemies, and Joshua will do the same with a javelin.
They had to give some of them the real vaccine and some of them a placebo vaccine in order that they could really tell if the vaccine worked; you have to have it placebo controlled.
It is generally believed that in order for that to work you need the round ship delays in milliseconds, in 100 milliseconds, in 200 milliseconds, not 8s.
Milton tells himself to run, and naturally he would have to run fast indeed in order to arrive at a moment in time that had already occurred before he even set out!
OK. Binary search is perhaps the simplest of the divide and conquer algorithms, and what does that mean? It says, in order to solve a problem, cut it down to a smaller problem and try and solve that one.
Haven't I taken back the assumption that in order to believe it, you've got to be able to picture it? Not quite.
This means in order to do that we actually have to put 7 kilojoules per mole of energy into the reaction to make it happen.
And, in order to determine that, we had to wait a few years until 1909.
You are determining what the impact of those words in that order might be.
So in order to try to eliminate that stigma they made it a penalty rate.
But in the real world that's a sequential game, people decide to run in some order, we're going to assume this is all simultaneous.
Well now we know what needs to be calculated in order to determine that.
In order to have a completely balanced diet that's completely plant based, one has to be very careful about having a wide array of foods.
And the context of sorting, the worst case is your handed a problem that's in complete reverse order because that implies you have - to do as more work that could possibly-- that you could-- you have to do more work than you would of course if things were in perfect order.
So why am I working hard in order to get that BCG job?
In order to answer that question, which will decide Locke's fit with the libertarian view, we need to look closely at what legitimate government looks like for Locke, and we turn to that next time.