Hartman's absolutely right to insist that no theological concept is as important to Paradise Lost as free will on the one hand and divine providence on the other.
So two possible negative effects--the taste is just a tease, the how the noble have fallen--on the one hand.
The Crito, on the other hand, is a conversation between Socrates and a single individual, only one person.
On the other hand, watch what happens with binary. Is the partway one there?
So, which is it, which is part of the question that came from over here, You have on the one hand the claim that Israelite religion is essentially continuous with Ancient Near Eastern polytheism.
On the one hand, you could say this is just absolute total nonsense.
Now, that on the one hand is this extraordinary claim that the Greeks make. They did make amazingly powerful claims for human beings as opposed to divinity, compared to any society that I know anything about.
一方面 希腊人有这样如此不同寻常的主张,和我所了解到的其他任何社会相比,他们的确为人类做了很多强有力的辩护,以对抗神明
And now maybe...now I've just heard that maybe one of those two recessions wasn't even a classic recession at all So the question is 1890 to 1945 on the one hand, 1983 to the present on the other, does that tell us that ? we've gotten better at government interventions?
So suicide is both immoral on the one hand and never makes sense.
So it looks as though the personality theorist is going to have to introduce a distinction between my being alive, on the one hand,and my body being alive,on the other.