A little hand for the hoplites.
So here's what, a little more than halfway down, the left-hand column, page 917, Derrida has to say about that.
He responds in the second paragraph of the letter in the left-hand column of the packet to this criticism that he's doing so little.
- Now the bottom-- the little underscore in the bottom right hand corner represents the blank tile and just as with my thumbs I would move 4 down or maybe 2 to the right.
This seems a little weird, but bear with me for second, in fact, I've given you a little piece a code to do it, which is the next piece of code on the hand out.
Please do it carefully, and I might even hand out a little bit of a study guide to help you with that.
Then he'd write on a little note " and hand it to the guy and say just keep this note.
One of them is the technique you saw me do with my left hand where I wiggled it a little bit. It's called vibrato.
People have referred to this as a J shaped curve with this little up tick in the left hand side and people--some people have sort of said, well maybe it's not so bad to be overweight because it's not so good to be underweight as well and that's a problem.
Right, and just to get a sense of this, let's look at a simple little example, so on your hand-out, you'll see I've got a little piece of code that says assuming I've got one of these points, I want to do things with it, for example I might want to add them together.
Does it make sense to think we could do this in less than linear time? You know, it takes a little bit of thinking. What would it mean do I see a hand way at the back, yes please? Thank you.
There's a little icon of a hand here, at top left, you go ahead and click that, and what happens is, we, the staff, see a little blinking icon in the top left that says one out of two hands, one out of 10 hands, or some number of hands, and it maintains in the little row up there your placement in line.
So let's listen to a little bit of this music and I want you, maybe as a group to tap with your foot, your hand whatever, just the beat as you hear it.
That means starting at the first one, I'm going to do something to it. And what am I'm going to do? I'm going to take that character, convert it back into an integer, and add it into some digits. And I've done a little short hand here, which is I should have said some digits is equal to some digits plus this.
But that little short hand there is doing exactly the same thing. It is adding that value into some digits and putting it back or signing it back into some digits. And I'll walk through that loop and when I'm done I can print out the total thing does. And if I do that, I get out what I would expect.
Simply by clicking that link you can then log into your account; and then on the left hand side what appears is a little menu of all of your friends who are also using this tool and you can select any one of them and actually see what that person is shopping.
And for Problem Set 0, too, those of you might think Scratch kind of imploding since I was 6, well then we'll hand you some of these little logic boards which are a variety of real world sensors you can connect to your Mac or PC and push yourself a little further with interactions, with the real world.
But thankfully I also found in my trolling around this morning,something that is perhaps technically motivating and at least remains for those of you which is many of you who actually use Gmail, you might have seen a little advert in the top right hand corner recently saying new beta version of a little something called Gmail Priority Inbox.