This is Hobbes' answer to Machiavelli's famous call in chapter 25 to master fortuna, to master chance or luck, fortune.
But I know that um, I don't, I'm not superstitious and I don't really believe in luck.
The rest of human action, the rest of statecraft, will be really left to chance, luck, contingency, circumstances.
OK, good luck on your tests, and remember the review session if you care.
It's the product of a lot of luck and so we can't claim that they morally deserve all the money they make.
Now some of this might be luck but I don't think it's all luck because he's done this consistently for so many years.
If we're not having too much luck with our slides this morning, I went ahead and put this one up on the board here.
In some cases, the back of the head could be more expressive than the front, in which case this is your opportunity and I wish you luck.
God was so afraid of us that He actually doubted His hold on His own empire, an empire that He was only actually able to maintain because of good luck or something like superior military firepower, but certainly nothing as grand and as absolute as omnipotence."
Most of the luck is bad; it's hard to succeed, and with some combination of luck, skill, determination and hard work all of that will decide which of these farmers will be successful and which will not.
When I was a student here at Princeton, graduating, if you told me I was going to have any one of those three jobs at some point of my career, I would consider that an extraodianry stroke of good luck.
I have had really, really good luck in meeting my best friends since I've been here.
but sometimes when I have a really good day and I'm feeling my luck is good,
That is the hard work, and being focused, and having a little luck, of course.
And I mean, sometimes it's luck, but I say mostly it's skill, you know,
But it's, I, no one ever has any luck finding a boyfriend.