The teaching fellow for each lecture takes what we call scribe notes. These are posted within a few days online.
Then if you fast forward to 2005 and look at the average return that was posted for 2000,it was +1.2%.
It's going to be posted on the Internet and I'll post chapters sort of in advance of the reading assignments.
I want to mention that 5 you're going to get problem-set five is posted today, and I'll write which ones you can already do so far, because you don't have class on Monday.
So, that's the kind of stuff: a little bit of background about myself. So now, 1 let's talk about the perspective of 3.091 All of this will be posted. You can take notes.
The first problem set will be posted shortly, and that means, you know, we want you just to get going on things. Don't worry, we're going to make them more interesting as you go along.
Half of her he set up and ceiled it as sky, Pulled down the bar and posted guards.
Problem Set One will be posted on the course's website tonight by 7:00 p.m. It will very clearly walk you through the week's challenges.
Again, these slides will be posted so you can refresh your memory later on this.
So, I ask you to do the problems as and when they're posted.
If any of you don't want your image recorded and posted on the web, you're supposed to sit in the back three rows.
And, the stuff will be posted at the website so you don't have to copy it all down.
If you looked at the domestic equity return -the average return that was posted in 2000--it was -3.1%.
So, you turned in p-set 3 today, but we'll have the answers posted for you this afternoon, so you can start studying from p-set 3, even as early as tonight, if you want to, because those answers will be there for you.
I'm going to post PowerPoints for all the lectures, hopefully at least the day before the lecture takes place, so I posted this last night.
First problem set, problem set zero, has already been posted.