Insurance now, in the United States, is regulated not by the federal government but by insurance regulators in each of the fifty states.
They're operating like banks, but they're not regulated as banks, so Basel II doesn't apply to them and they can do what they want.
If food has addictive properties, and we'll discuss this in the class, then is this the sort of thing that should get regulated by government?
It happens through a very regulated, coordinated slow process of what is called differentiation.
re not regulated tightly as ordinary banks would be I believe they have something, they have something like two billion dollar line of credit at the treasury.
Why is it regulated separately by the fifty states?
So, it really is -it really ought to be on the bank's balance sheet and it ought to be regulated by the bank regulators, but there was a failure to do that and that is the problem that we are in currently.
Now that's pretty far fetched and not many people would say that a pop tart should be a controlled substance and regulated by government, but there are some very interesting chemical properties associated with foods like this that trigger things going on in the brain that affect us in a very big way.
It's a very important industry and it's also one in which many of our students have found jobs, so I think it's important for us to try to understand the history of investment banks, the role they have in our financial community, and how they're regulated.
These cells around the outside form the interface, the placenta, where the maternal blood circulation meets the embryonic circulation and nutrients are passed back and forth that way in a very highly regulated and important way.