Too much, there's no spark. Too little, you short out. Right?
It's deliberate that a lot of the examples in lecture are fairly short and bite-size so that you can actually focus on pulling out the key ideas without getting distracted by line and lines of code.
You can write it out, you can speak it, you can talk as long as you want, as short as you want.
In short, Machiavelli claims these were founders who created, in a way, ex nihilo, out of nothing.
If I short the one-period bond it cancels out, so I've made no net purchase in 1925.
Gets off Scott free in five years when the other guy gets out, he might run into a situation where Yeah, so a short version of that is, it's a different kind of contract.
Let's assume that the user typed in a pretty short word we didn't run out of memory or anything crazy so here's the new feature.