Near the plowed fields curved and faded, and the few hogs nosing in the furrows looked like large spotted stones.
Anyway, the Black Sea is not a Greek lake, but there are Greek cities that are spotted along the coast.
There was the wonder I felt when I saw a brace of mountain like, spotted, black-and-white horses clopping down a dusty road through clouds of powdered clay.
And by just doing that, bug I just spotted, there's a bug here.
Spotted fever in purples for example, which we call measles, was a significant cause of death as was the plague, which we don't have anymore, thank goodness.
Everyone's keeping their hands firmly down so as not to get spotted here.
I spotted an error here, I could have spotted it by running it on different test sets, and using prints things, another way of doing it, but this idea of at least simulating it on simple examples lets you check a couple of important questions.