The earlier style pictures rather large estates by Greek standards, with raiding warrior groups going out to steal what they can.
In The Iliad, as you can see, the warrior Glaucus uses the simile of the leaves to dismiss the importance of genealogy.
God is depicted as a warrior, who leads his host , the Lord of hosts in battle.
The new Socratic citizen let's call him that for a moment the new Socratic citizen may have some features in common with the older Homeric warrior.
When you got to be about the age of what you guys are here, Ephebate you might enter the ephebate; Ephebe you'd become an ephebe, and that just meant that you were past your sort of early secondary training and now you were being really in training to be a warrior and a citizen.
Even the Platonic just city will have to cultivate warrior citizens who are prepared to risk life in battle for the sake of their own city.
Socrates wants to replace the warrior citizen with a new kind of citizen a whole new set you might say of citizen virtues.
The question of censorship and the telling of lies is introduced, in other words, as a question of military necessity, controlling the guards or the auxiliaries of the city, its warrior class.
Is that type the common man ? is it found in democracies; those of acquired taste and money as in aristocracies; the warrior; ? or even the priest as in theocracies?
The virtues endorsed by the poetic tradition of which Aristophanes is the great representative here the great inheritor and representative the virtues of this tradition were the virtues of a warrior culture of war-like peoples and men at war.
This is why even the best city, even Kallipolis will require, as he spends a great deal of time discussing, will require a warrior class, a class of what he calls "auxiliaries."
But even still when we think of it, if I am a member of the money making class, I am still more than simply a bundle of desires and appetites, just as a member of the warrior class would be clearly more than mere thumos or mere spiritedness.