That is done using ultrasound, which is generated by a box called a pulse-generator that is similar in size to a pacemaker box, but is inserted lower down in the chest (see illustration).
Aiming at the technology demand of advanced copper interconnection, the effect of pulse current density on cu layer properties such as resistance, crystal size and surface roughness were investigated.
Then the amplitude threshold is established combined with detection probability. The method of ascertaining pulse number threshold is analyzed according to orientation requirement and target size.
Simulation results show that the size of the focal spot increases with the number of color cycles and the basic pulse bandwidth in the dispersing direction.
The peak current and pulse duration of single pulse determine the size and depth of discharge crater, so they determine the machining surface roughness and size and shape accuracy.
Effects of pulsed laser parameters such as laser wavelength, beam spot size, pulse energy and pulse duration on threshold energy in laser simulating Single Event Effect testing are analyzed.
The pulse frequency was not printed, it is estimated from the size of the coils and transformer that the frequency doesn't exceed 50 Mhz. Don't depend on this being fact, it's just a educated guess.
BP algorithmic model was established for the artificial neural network of the grain size of Al-alloy's solidification structure under the action of strong pulse electromagnetic field.
The relation of the disturbance voltage induced by the pulse magnetic field and the properties and size of the material is also discussed in this paper.
The ceramic technology by Pulse allows for extremely small antenna size without compromising rf performance.
Under the different laser parameters, the electron energy gain depends on the laser intensity, focal spot size and pulse width.
Based on the technology of rotating impeller DE gassing in aluminum alloy melt, the effect of pulse gas current on the gas bubble size by studied with the water modeling method.
In order to meet the need of family community, this subject is to design a portable non-invasive pulse oximetry, the system has advantages of small size, light weight.
We studied the relationship between the films thickness, grain size and deposition parameters, i. e. pulse laser frequency, striking voltage and distance from the target to the substrate.
The way of pulse-width adjustment which can change the size, the direction and the action time of the electromagnetic resultant force in the stepping motor.
The pulse frequency was not printed, it is estimated from the size of the coils and transformer that the frequency doesn't exceed 50 Mhz.
The pulse frequency was not printed, it is estimated from the size of the coils and transformer that the frequency doesn't exceed 50 Mhz.