How long did it take for extra names to develop into last names?
Such ambitions never had time to develop into plots.
Chongqing aims to develop into regional financial hub.
Growing takes time. It may take a few years to develop into a woman's body.
Neural stem cells can now be coaxed to develop into motor neurons in a test tube.
Fireman: Never has a spark been allowed to exist to develop into a conflagration.
So as a positive step, we want to lead the industry to develop into a richer ecosystem.
In cell totipotency, cells of plant have the potential to develop into embryos and plants.
You want your kid to develop into a happy, healthy, confident, thoughtful, and likable person.
It takes one or two decades for the disease to develop into a stage that results in clinical symptoms.
The company is to develop into a development, design, procurement, production for the integrated enterprise.
You don't have to make up your mind overnight. A good relationship takes time to develop into something solid.
Learning is the mighty power for people to gain more freedom, for the human society to develop into the realm of freedom.
Arsenal gave me a chance to develop into a good player and I want to repay the Club and the fans and everyone with trophies.
It contains multi-potent stem cells which can self renew and go on to develop into mature red cells, white cells and platelets.
He is now starting school and I want to spend as much time as I can to be with him and help him to develop into a strong personality.
In future, China Industrial Economics will continue to develop into an internationally recognized top-class academic journal in China.
I regard it as the chief duty of the state to protect the individual and give him the opportunity to develop into a creative personality.
The disease is irreversible and progressive. It takes one or two decades for the disease to develop into a stage that results in clinical symptoms.
The reprogrammed stem cells are then programmed again to develop into mice, a feat that has been accomplished before only using embryonic stem cells.
In the laboratory, scientists have been able to induce embryonic stem cells to develop into heart muscle cells or insulin-producing cells of the pancreas.
He then corrected the sickle-cell genetic defect and prodded the iPS cells to develop into the type of marrow stem cell that manufactures a mouse's blood cells.
To develop into memory cells, B cells have to survive the natural process of apoptosis, or programmed cell death, that occurs following a large immune response.
The action is much better than Risen, you don't die every ten seconds, before your character has the chance to develop into the sword welding maniac that I became.
The use of stem cells to treat disease or regenerate tissue is believed to hold promise because of their potential to develop into different specialized cell types.
Young fruit fly nerve cells don't necessarily know how many cells are in their neighborhood, yet they manage to develop into appropriately distributed sensory bristles.
As I have said in several recent blog discussions, and in my Wall Street Journal article of October 7th, I do not expect the current crisis to develop into a major depression.
As I have said in several recent blog discussions, and in my Wall Street Journal article of October 7th, I do not expect the current crisis to develop into a major depression.