When you are done, put this sheet where you can refer to it. Setting goals is really this simple, so take a few minutes now and change your life.
You're hacking away on what you think is a little program, only to find that it has snowballed into something larger — a project — and now you've reached the point where you need to save some data.
If you move to a new place, this is now where you will ‘live’, so who cares where it is?
Now the Stop Node is where you can easily see it, at the beginning.
This is the key to backwards planning, for example, where you start with a goal and think back through the steps needed to reach it until you get to where you are right now.
The model provides a quick way for you to gauge where your data warehousing initiative is now and where it needs to go next.
Now that you have promised that you would go exercising every day, it is now the time to put your money where your mouth is.
We have invented this technology where you print today, and a couple of days from now, the paper is blank again, and you just put it back in your paper feed, right?
But many studies of both men and women now suggest that it is not how much you weigh but where you carry your weight that matters most to your health.
You might be in a situation right now where everything is going wrong and you can't figure it out.
Now that you know as much as you can find out about the demand, you need to make sure that you are not only offering the solution, but that people searching for it know where it is and how to find it.
The flip side is there are going to be a couple of lectures now where it is not going to be on the test, so I think you will deal with it.
So now you have the result, and it is in register 3, which is where it needs to be for the return value.
现在结果出来了,在寄存器3 内,这也是它应该存在于的位置。
Now that you have generated the code to manipulate these custom controls, you need to put it where it is accessible to your script writers.
And you can't bring back forests that once grew where there is now desert. If you don't know how to fix it, please stop breaking it!
This will always be a problem such as it is now where you are in a period of transformation, yet the lower vibrations remain around you.
It's a natural way to help keep your cholesterol right where you want it where it is right now.
"Did you see where in Hogwarts it is?" asked Ron, now scrambling to his feet too.
This returns you to the Inheritance Picker dialog box, where the component is now listed, along with the project in which it is located.
And now your dock is where you want it!
You see the energy system. Now it is for us to understand where the flight energy is.
"I love seeing the pictures of me as a kid wearing black," he said. "It is almost too much now; you wonder where the designers will ever end."
It is important for human beings to keep sober minded about the age-old drive to look beyond the place where you now stand.
By now I know you're dying to know what it is and where you can get one.
By now I know you're dying to know what it is and where you can get one.