Loan words are inevitably a phenomenon common in exchanges between a language and a foreign culture.
While absorbing the essence of a foreign culture, we should not be content with imitation without creation.
When studying about a foreign culture then, it just makes sense to pay attention to how people use nonverbal cues.
Despite the surprises and difficulties of learning to do my job in a foreign culture, I've loved my time at the Shanghai Daily.
Culture exchange is by no means a process of losing one's own culture to a foreign culture, but to enrich a nation's own culture.
Cultural exchange is by no means a process of losing one's own culture to a foreign culture, but to enrich a nation's own culture.
Cultural exchange is by no means a process of losing one’s won culture to a foreign culture, but one of inriching a nation’s own culture.
When it comes to a foreign culture reading between lines does not come easily, it seems; even when you marry someone from that culture.
The third chapter discusses the modeling and guiding roles of the Church education as a foreign culture in the educational change of modern Shanxi.
It was their first time in China and it was through their eyes that I rediscovered the pleasure of experiencing a foreign culture for the first time again.
There is no substitute for first-hand experience of living in a foreign culture, and as an Irishman living in Berlin, Germany, I can only recommend this course of action.
If the recursive looping is meant to chart a foreign culture up to the point of permitting manageability of what is foreign, then a lot of information generated by the recursion will be screened off.
China needs to assimilate a good deal of foreign progressive culture, but she must not swallow anything and everything uncritically.
Many foreign students are attracted not only to the academic programs at a particular US college but also to the larger community, which affords the chance to soak up the surrounding culture.
Cultural shock is a feeling which most travelers experience in a foreign country where they find the culture is quite different from that of their own.
By learning a foreign language, we not only have a useful tool of communicating, but experience a new culture, what's more important, learning a foreign language well will help us tell our own stories to the world.
Department store food floors are a fun and relatively cheap way to experience Japan's food culture, and foreign ones as well.
Therefore, absorbing foreign culture is metaphorically a process of taking a bite, chewing and ingesting.
Like most foreign visitors who experience Italy's culture, buildings, physical beauty, food and climate, Mr Gilmour, a British historian and journalist, is a passionate fan.
No culture can flourish in isolation. How much a country or a nation contributes to the culture of humanity is increasingly determined by her ability to absorb foreign cultures and renew herself.
We often forget that Quebec is something of a foreign country within Canada itself, with a different language and culture that is basically French.
There are still plenty of obstacles here, including weak intellectual property rights enforcement and a culture of copying or stealing technology from foreign companies or joint venture partners.
Up until then, it's a Dances With Wolves-like immersion in a culture, landscape and universe that is utterly, wonderfully foreign.
"Language is always developing, " said a columnist, Wang Pei. "It needs to be updated to absorb foreign culture and folk wisdom."
An unsupervised visit to a department store (a rare treat for normally chaperoned foreign journalists) revealed Pyongyang's dearth of consumer culture.
An unsupervised visit to a department store (a rare treat for normally chaperoned foreign journalists) revealed Pyongyang's dearth of consumer culture.