Current studies of early modern absolutism—rule by one person with absolute authority—emphasize continual negotiations between ruler and ruled.
This will be important to try and understand the French revolution, "La Revolution Francaise", that there's a difference between absolutism and despotism.
Pragmatism has triumphed over the absolutism.
But there were doctrines of absolutism that originated with jurists early.
This is a shift from previous absolutism to relativism, from monism to pluralism, from dogmatism to liberalism.
Some, in fact, deny free will and still accept moral absolutism-and argue that these two beliefs are inextricably tied.
Some, in fact, deny free will and still accept moral absolutism -and argue that these two beliefs are inextricably tied.
Absolutism, subjective idealism and idea of bold and decisive in action, etc, are the features of Sartre's view of freedom.
The part iv demonstrates the origin of nihilism and absolutism and discusses the foundation of the values in the modern civil law.
In this case, moral absolutism is a subjective decision (i.e., free will must, by definition, include the freedom to choose what is moral).
The controversy on Singapore's caning is vehemence, but its essence is just only some conflicts between the absolutism and the relativism.
Dworkin contends that coherence is the standard of testing legal truth; his theory tries to transcend the disagreement between the absolutism and the relativism.
The class theory causes one-sided absolutism of social benefit analysis, and also causes the law to nihilism to spread. It negates the law's regularity and objection.
Moral absolutism is sometimes contrasted with moral relativism and typified-although thereby also oversimplified-by such phrases as "right is right and wrong is wrong."
In a minority of cases, moral absolutism is taken to the more constrained position that actions are moral or immoral regardless of the circumstances in which they occur.
I think absolutism is a sign of closed mindedness and that any intelligent person should always be adjusting their views slightly in light of new evidence and changing times.
The critique is penetrated with negative dialectic against totality and identity, avoiding the judgment of absolutism in the form, while always maintaining truth in art.
On transitional phase from the Middle Ages to modern times, the system paradigm of absolutism baffled the possibility of the liberty of the press in content and structure;
If the peculiar relationship between truths absolutism and relativism can be called "truths antinomy," many philosophical issues over recent several decades of Yeats aim at solving this antinomy.
If the peculiar relationship between truth's absolutism and relativism can be called "truth's antinomy," many philosophical issues over recent several decades of Yeats aim at solving this antinomy.
In Newton's book-The Classical Mechanics and Einstein's book named The Theory of Relativity, they describle the two sides of the conception of time in different angles: absolutism and relativitism.
In Newton's book-The Classical Mechanics and Einstein's book named The Theory of Relativity, they describle the two sides of the conception of time in different angles: absolutism and relativitism.