Change summaries are contained by data graphs and are used to represent the changes that have been made to a data graph returned by the DMS.
The code First programming model is a way of creating a model by writing the code for the classes whose associated entities are contained by the model.
The applied arts are thus bound by the laws of physics, which pertain to both the materials used in their making and the substances and things to be contained, supported, and sheltered.
What is not stated, however, is whether these isoflavones are contained in a form in soy that is usable by the human body.
It also has containers that contain components, and that also are components that can be contained by other containers.
JSON objects are constructed in a key: value pair format. The elements of the object are separated by commas, and each object is contained within curly braces .
To simplify serialization, we'll make sure all objects are directly or indirectly contained by Forum. Some other useful optional attributes include.
All the XSL files used by the widget are contained in the bgTermFinderWidget.war file in the js/bg/resources/xsl directory.
小组件使用的所有XSL文件都包含在js/bg/resources/xsl 目录下的 bgTermFinderWidget.war文件中。
The guiding principles created by the alliance are contained in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development ", which begins as follows."
Index entries are determined by inference and are built based on the natural patterns contained in XML documents. NeoCore XMS creates index entries according to the following rules.
From the top level data object contained in the graph, all children data objects are reachable by traversing the references from the root data object.
As packets arrive, they are filtered by their type, source address, destination address, and port information contained in each packet.
High levels of salt are contained in everything from pancakes to pasta these days, but once upon a time, it was hard to come by.
All other files (contained in originals) are not read by the program, although they will be copied to the translations folder as is when the translations are generated.
Researchers believe that these growths are caused in part by long-term exposure to the ultraviolet rays contained in sunlight.
The instructions for this complexity are contained within the cell's genetic code, but how this information is accessed, read and interpreted is influenced by development and differentiation.
Here you are provided a list of JARs or modules contained by the EAR that you may include as dependencies, as shown in Figure 4.
These are contributions that are not contained by Russia's borders, as vast as those borders are.
Revelations contained in a classified report by the CIA's inspector general, written in 2004, are said to have swayed the previously reluctant attorney general.
The topics in this book are diverse and often self-contained — for example, there is no central argument that runs from chapter to chapter — so I will briefly describe the contents by chapter below.
The data contained within the structures are based on the Pointers provided by RPG.
Covered indexes enhance performance when all fields requested by a query are contained within the covered index because there is no need to pull up the full document record.
Guidance on how to learn and practice each drill effectively-like that provided above-illustrated by clear pictures like those above are contained in the companion Workbook.
These Spaces are contained within a lightweight steel and timber structure, which is supported by cylindrical columns.
For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves.
The visualizations contained within are based on the Yeti technology that was developed by the IBM Research team.
The articles which are designed to intentionally release contained new chemical substances in their normal use shall be governed by these Measures.
Besides reorganizing one or more indexes, large object data types (LOBs) that are contained in the clustered index or underlying table are compacted by default when an index is reorganized.
Besides reorganizing one or more indexes, large object data types (LOBs) that are contained in the clustered index or underlying table are compacted by default when an index is reorganized.