Third wife is after a hard to get, the husband often beside her sweet words, but rather to the fourth wife as well.
This is due not to a lack of vision or talent but rather to the mile-long canyon between Facebook's strategy and its ability to execute.
The vulnerability here is that a spoke node can address messages not to the input queue at the hub, but rather to the output queue at the hub.
Conclusions: These data suggest that early after GBP, the greater GLP-1 and GIP release and improvement of incretin effect are related not to weight loss but rather to the surgical procedure.
研究结论:这些数据显示胃旁路手术早期胰高血糖素样肽- 1和胰高血糖素的大量释放以及肠促胰岛素效应的增加和体重减轻没有关系而是和手术操作有关。
When the JSF application runs, there is a fairly large number of objects in various scopes that do not belong to the actual application, but rather to the JSF implementation or the server container.
Mr. Chen glanced round the office to find Mr. Long, the rather strict teacher, but he was not there.
The study's finding strongly suggests that the real reason why scientists over forty rarely produce highly creative work is not due to age but rather because most have spent too long in their fields.
The exoplanet is a few times the mass of Earth, but it should still be small enough to be rocky rather than a gas giant like Jupiter.
Imagine a world where building the tallest skyscraper wasn't a race of height, but rather one to collect the most solar energy.
We are not advocating its abolition but rather calling for the adaptation of its characteristics to meet the needs of today.
I don't mean that you have to assume a parade-ground posture, but stand in a comfortable, natural way, rather than hunching over the lectern.
The efforts of millions of drivers to get ahead do not miraculously produce a situation in which everyone does better than before, but one in which almost everyone does rather worse.
The paucity of known extinctions or disruptions resulting from indirect interactions may reflect not the infrequency of such mishaps but rather the failure to look for or to detect them.
It's very close, but overall the cumulative effects of cloud are to cool Earth rather than heat it.
I myself find them rather uncomfortable to sit in for very long, but people were used to more discomfort in the past.
A poet who wants to write blues can attempt to avoid this problem by poeticizing the form—but literary blues tend to read like bad poetry rather than like refined folk song.
The problem isn't the technology itself, but that the technology is being used to create more flexibility for the employer rather than the employee.
Don't push for an interview on the spot, but rather explain that you want to let them know of your interest.
Instead, I agree with Oxford University philosopher Nick Bostrom, who believes that the heaviest risks from AGI do not come from a decision to turn against mankind but rather from a dogged pursuit of set objectives at the expense of everything else.
相反,我同意牛津大学哲学家尼克·博斯特罗姆的观点。他认为,AGI 最大的风险并非源自它违反人类的决定,而是源自其不惜一切代价对既定目标的执着追求。
When it comes to heart health, there is speculation that it's not the style of music, but rather the tempo that makes it so good for your heart health.
The idea of XBRL is not to hide the complexity, but rather to lay it all out on the table, so that it's at least accessible and transparent.
This section is not intended to be exhaustive documentation for the open source API, but rather to point you in the right direction in terms of the needed APIs.
You're specifying not the access you have to the user's data, but rather the access the user has to the data you've collected.
It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should pay off in the long run.
The question is not if you should change, but rather how to weigh the potential benefits against the cost of migration.
But for Hobbes, we enter into society not in order to fulfill or perfect our rational nature, but rather to avoid the greatest evil, namely death or fear of death, at the hands of others.
The point of this discussion isn't to brag about the performance of DB2 UDB (okay, perhaps a little), but rather to illustrate the potential power of a well engineered dual core architecture.
The point of this discussion isn't to brag about the performance of DB2 UDB (okay, perhaps a little), but rather to illustrate the potential power of a well engineered dual core architecture.