"I'm humbled to receive an award for something I love doing and continue to love doing," said a tearful Beckham.
Instead, he will suspend his change set, deliver a fix for the critical bug, and then resume his original change set to continue what he was doing before.
If they continue to see the children of high government officials doing better, their disaffection will grow.
"I'm humbled to receive an award for something I love doing and continue to love doing, [I am] very humbled," said a tearful Beckham, who accepted the award from Sir Bobby Charlton.
Whenever I travel abroad I meet bright young people from India doing good science who tell me they look forward to the day they can continue their work back home in India.
Pay particular attention to hiring someone to do the one job that you love and could continue doing very competently (whether that is coding, design, marketing, sales, or finance).
While companies have been establishing distributed organizations for some time, their motivations for doing so, as well as the way they distribute work, continue to evolve.
What’s important to them is the difference they try and make every day, doing the work that they’ll most likely continue for the rest of their lives.
While these practical problems are being solved, chemists will continue to quietly enjoy what they have enjoyed doing for hundreds of years.
If doing this allows the team to continue working on their tasks providing value (via working software) to the clients, I'm all for it.
What's important to them is the difference they try and make every day, doing the work that they'll most likely continue for the rest of their lives.
Continue doing a lesson a day. You can do these on your commute or while you exercise to save time.
So, what will be easier for you, to continue doing what you are doing, plodding along in desperate silence, OR spend time transforming the issues that prevent you from having your desires?
Regardless of what takes place next season, the torrent of criticism will continue to rain down on LeBron. It’s now simply a matter of who can sound the most ridiculous while doing it.
We just need to continue what we've been doing during the last six months. Hopefully we'll add some more players to strengthen the squad and then we need to compete.
Markram is working to develop a model of the human brain because it is a key step to our understanding of the neo-cortex, and scientists cannot continue doing animal experimentation forever.
作为了解新皮层关键一步,马克莱姆目前的工作正是构建一个人类大脑的模型。 毕竟,科学家们不能永远使用动物实验的方法来研究人类的大脑。
As the cloud becomes more a part of doing business, Microsoft may continue to have the upper hand, especially if it can execute on its partnerships with third-party application providers.
You want to show your employer that you are still viable in the workplace, and that you have the necessary training to continue doing a good job.
Asfor me, I can't wait to get back on the court to continue doing what Ilove to do.
Mr. Wolf said that regardless of whether Mr. Jobs returns to Apple, the company would probably continue doing well for the foreseeable future, though its long-term prospects are more uncertain.
After a few weeks, he noticed that he was taking about one picture a day, and shortly thereafter he decided to continue doing so.
We are doing all we can to ensure economic stability and job security and I am proud that many Chinese entrepreneurs continue to create employment and contribute to the nation's GDP.
And if you see the type of work you've been doing lately isn't something you want to continue doing, then you can get back on track to the direction you want to truly follow.
"It won't stop me," he says. "I will continue to do what I am doing.
By now you should realize that the only way to continue with a bad habit for very long is to sink back into denial of why you are doing it in the first place.
We could continue to build more DAMS and exploit deeper and deeper aquifers; but even if you can afford it, it's not a cost-effective way of doing things.
Doing that and displaying the transformed face takes just 150 milliseconds, fast enough to allow a conversation over video link to continue in real time.
Doing that and displaying the transformed face takes just 150 milliseconds, fast enough to allow a conversation over video link to continue in real time.